I couldn't find Kenny all day. I looked for him at lunch and after school, but I couldn't find him anywhere.
I checked the janitor's closet, the staff rooms and the smoking area. He wasn't anywhere.

I waited for him before getting onto the bus, which is where I am now.

"Why do you even hang out with him, anyway?" Cartman, who sat beside me since Stan got sent home, asks. "He's strange."

"I don't know, honestly. He's just..." I trail off, unsure of how to describe the strange boy who lives next door.

"Can I tell you something, Butters?" Cartman asks.


"I don't love Heidi. I love-"

"Alright you lot get off my bus," miss Crabtree screeches. "NOW!"

Cartman sighs, "Never mind. It's probably best I don't tell you anyway."

We get off the bus at the stop. I go to my house and Cartman goes to his, not even bothering to say goodbye. He lives at the opposite end of the street, closer to the bus stop then I am.

As soon as I get home I go to my room to plan what I'm going to wear for the party later tonight.
I could wear my favourite shirt, but it's Hello Kitty and I doubt the other fellas would think it appropriate for my age.

I pull some of my more mature clothing out of my closet, a flowery button-up shirt, a band t-shirt and a boring plain blue turtle neck sweater I usually save for special occasions.

"Going somewhere?"

Mom's stood at the door, applying a quick coat of lipgloss to her already glossy lips.

"I've been invited to a party that a boy from school is holding," I reply, holding the band t-shirt against me to see if it matches the jeans I'm already wearing, "I thought it would be a good way to make friends and try to fit in. Apparently everyone goes to his parties."

Mom frowns, "I'm not sure that's a good idea. Teen parties get quite wild and I'm sure there's going to be alcohol there." 

"Mom, you know I won't drink anything," I roll my eyes, although I'm planning on having some, "don't you want me to have friends?

"But what if it happens again?"

"Mom, the kids here aren't like the kids at North Park. They're cool!"

Mom pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head.
I decide on the flowery button-up shirt and put the others away.

"I must be crazy," she says to herself, "fine. You can go, just make sure you're home before lunch tomorrow. We're having the neighbours over for dinner and I'll need your help cooking and stuff."

"Thanks!" I give her a quick hug. "You might wanna leave, I'm about to get changed."

"We're good." A couple female voices say from the direction of my closet.

Mom ruffles my hair playfully and leaves the room.
I quickly get changed into the flowery shirt. I also quickly brush my hair a little bit so it doesn't stick out as much and try to style it somehow, failing miserably.

I check the time on my phone. It's only 4:50. I have another hour to go before the party.
I go to the attic and play Xbox until it's time to go.

Time skip: 6:15pm

I arrive at Token's home.
I can hear the loud, trashy music from the huge steel gates blocking the driveway from the rest of the street. Most of the lights are on in the house, except a couple of the upstairs ones.

I push open the gates and approach the house, feeling slightly nervous now that I'm actually here.

The front door of the house is wide open, welcoming in any passing stranger.

"Ey! It's Butters!" A voice hollers from inside.

Cartman and Token are standing at the doorway, both holding beers. Cartman already sounds drunk even though the party only started fifteen minuets ago.

"Come in, Butters." Token commands, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me inside.

The building smells of marijuana, sweat and alcohol. It's not pleasant, quite the opposite actually.
Token hands me a can of Papst Blue Ribbon.

"Drink." He orders.

I open it and take a sip. It tastes awful. If I was alone I would spit it out and pour the rest of the can down the sink, but since I'm at a party and that would be impolite, I drink a little more.

Token smiles.

"Good. Now, go have fun!" He pushes me further into the house and into a short girl.

"Excuse you!" She glares at me, hitching her skirt higher.


She rolls her eyes and pulls the other girl she was talking to away from me.

I look around, trying to spot somebody I know so I can hang around them all evening so I don't look like a loner.
Sadly, except for Token and Cartman, I don't think I know anybody here.

"What's up, kid?" A tall male asks.

"Oh, i just can't see my friend. I'm fine."

"Okay then." He shrugs.

He walks off, leaving me alone once again.

I take another sip of the beer, regretting it instantly. I wish I'd stayed home.

I try to figure out where the kitchen is so I can pour this terrible drink away, but there's people every where. It's as if there walls are made out of people.
I start to panic, feeling as if I'll never escape.

I push past everyone, not sure where I'm going.
The music's loud in my ears. It feels as if it's coming from within me.

A hand grabs my shoulders. I scream in shock, but another hand covers my mouth.

"Calm down, you're fine."

{Complete} The Strange Boy Next Door ~ Bunny fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now