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Mackenzie's POV -

Today jake came over and it didn't feel right.. I just wanted to be with ally. Dating jake was like a straight girl dating a girl. Weird right? Well that's how I feel with him it's uncomfortable and their aren't any sparks with him like with her.

Jake: babe what's wrong you've been awfully distant did I do something?

Mackenzie: I think there is something we should talk about..

Jake: .. Um okay what is it?

Mackenzie: I just I don't think this.. Us.. Is working out.. Honestly I'm confused of how I'm feeling and this isn't exactly helping.. I don't mean to hurt you but I think we should break up I'm sorry jake

Jake: are you seeing someone else? Is this what it's all about? You're fucking cheating on me?!

Mackenzie: jake no stop that's not it okay? Just stop yelling I'm not cheating on you nor have I ever.

Jake: you know what I never wanted to be with you anyways! I just wanted to get in your pants and since you were so stupid to believe that I actually loved you I was able to! Bye bitch

After he said all that he left slamming the door behind him.

I couldn't cry but I was hurt. I was still hurt that he did that to me..



Heeeeyyyyyy short update but I updated lol

Comment = update



Stay weird my little aliens 👽

-Victoria xx

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