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Mackenzie POV ;

Why can't I stop thinking about her? Why do I want to kiss her lips so bad? Why can't I keep my eyes off here? It's like some force type crap. She's pulling me in and I'm scared to death! I thought I was straight. I'm pretty sure but her.. She's just asdfghjkl I can't. She makes me feel all tingly inside like a thousand dragon feels been let out. Allyson Edwards will be the death of me.

Allyson's POV ;

Ever since I met Mackenzie I can't seem to get her out if my mind. Honestly it's scaring me because what if this gets between Julia and I? I mean I'm not a fan of long distance but she's just worth holding on to. I mean she was my first everything. First relationship, first kiss, my first you know.. I experienced so much with her. We have been together for nearly 2 years how can I just let it all go for someone I barely met? ( I'm not sure if I had already said how long Julia and ally been together so bare with me! Lol ) RING-RING-RING-RIN- "hello?" "Hey beautiful" "Jules? Oh! Hey baby I miss you!" I say. " who else did you think this was? You forgot about me already al?" Jules ask with a hint of hurt in her voice. " what are you talking about? I'm sorry babe I didn't check who was calling I was kinda busy.. I'm sorry" I reply. "Hey babe you ready to go?" I here some female voice in the back. Is she cheating on me? It's only been a day.. Did she get over me that quick? Was I so oblivious the whole time? Has this been going on all along? "Jules.. Who was that?" I ask my voice cracking at the end. " er uh my cousin? Yeah! That's right my cousin..." "JULIA DONT FUCKING LIE TO ME! You know what?! We are through! I should've known this would happen.. Don't ever talk to me again got it? I'm done. Whatever we had.. Is over done finished gone! Good fucking bye Julia." I hung up throwing my phone at the wall.. I fall to the floor sobbing.. Why did she do this to me.. Did I even mean anything to her? Was it all just a lie?..

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