Pray The Fates My Soul To Reap

Start from the beginning

It was metallic sound, like a rumbling from the bottom of a pipe. But it was pitched deeper. I turned slowly to the entrance and saw the gate's dragon as it let out another roar, the Ravenna girl at its side. His eyes were glowing violet now, more than just a gatekeeper. I ran to Lynn while everyone else was distracted, but skidded to a halt as a burst of violet flames assaulted the floor in front of me. I glared up at the dragon, really not wanting to fight it. But it was never aiming for me. Instead a blue-haired girl was desperately trying to dodge the flames. I felt a little angry that they had almost charred me in the process, but I understood anyways. They needed to get the enemies, whatever it took.

I skirted around the edges of the room after that, careful to stay out of everyone's way. I didn't want to be pulled into someone else's battle, I just wanted to get to Brie. But that wasn't about to happen. I was stopped by none other than the girl who had distracted Skylla earlier, a dagger in her hand too small to hold up against my scythe. Instead of relaxing I was put even more on guard, because I knew that meant she was about to do something else. And I was right. Her mouth opened slightly and a wordless melody poured out, so smooth it almost didn't sound like she was singing. I stopped whatever I had been planning to do and stood still, hypnotized. It didn't even occur to me I should be trying to resist, because I was feeling extremely tired. Yes, sleeping sounded like the better option.

The song was cut off abruptly and she choked instead, and I was fully functional in time to see a sickly green smoke enter her mouth. I whipped around to see Kayin, momentarily distracted from his own fight to help mine. I couldn't tell what he thought of the fact I had turned, but we both nodded at each other. It was all the acknowledgement either of us could spare. I snapped my attention back to the siren, positioning my scythe and farther cutting off her air supply by cutting her neck. She fell to the ground, clutching her her throat, but there was nothing I could do for her. I stepped around and kept walking, set of getting to Brie. I wanted revenge just as much as she did. I wanted Lynn to see me, to know her plans to turn me had finally worked. And I wanted her to know those plans were part of the reason she was going to die.

When I finally got to her, she was on the defensive. Brie probably didn't even see me, she was so focused on making Lynn back up. Just like she had done to Rina. Except Lynn had seen it coming. She turned and went to flee, to re-position herself so she could get the upper hand. The dragon roared beside us, giving her only one place to go. I pushed her back with my scythe, swinging it wide enough she couldn't get past. I advanced towards and and watched her mouth try and work as she saw me. She was trying to process what was happening, what I was doing. But she put it together soon enough. And with two reapers bearing down on her, she knew what was about to happen. And so she laughed, high and manic, twirling in a circle. She sneered at me and then a Brie, reaching a hand out towards her brother.

"The thing about twin demons," she panted, high off psychotic energy. "Is that we're two parts of one whole. And now," a white smoke started to rise off Vincent, and I narrowed my eyes. "I'm that whole." With those words the smoke shot across the room towards us. Her arms were raised to the side to brace herself as the smoke entered her eyes, her nose, her mouth. Anywhere it could to get inside her. When it was totally gone and folded in on herself before standing again, grinning with eyes sparkling with malice. I could see her brother in her, somehow. His controlled manner and her own psychosis merged together, creating a psychopath. I gripped my scythe tighter, shifting its weight in my hand. Brie looked at me, acknowledging for the first time that I was there. She nodded at me and ran forwards while I ran at Lynn's back.

Her blade lashed out at Brie and the smoke lashed out at me, and I was forced to jump back. The two parts of her were fighting separately, and somehow I was supposed to fight the side that wasn't solid. I circled around her but she knew what I was doing and launched at me, the blade only barely deflected by my scythe. I quickly tried to parry but the mist lashed at me and stung my face while she turned the blade back to Brie. Somehow she was fighting both of us and winning. Not about to let myself be beaten easily, I held the bottom of the scythe's pole and swung. It put distance between us but it threw my aim off and I missed. I cursed under my breath and ducked to the side as the mist came at me again.

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