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I stumbled backwards, but my back only hit the wall. It was ridiculous, because I really should have been able to think well enough to not go sideways. But I found myself shaking anyways, eyes never leaving the blank, dead faces. I was alone, and I had no way of defending myself. Except, wait- I forced myself to breathe out. Skylla and Carter were right there, I would be okay. I tried to calm myself down with that thought. I turned sharply, ready to round the corner and let them deal with it.

"Shit!" Skylla yelled, and my heart dropped when I heard her run. In the opposite direction. "Boss wanted to see me. Damn shamans don't wait for anyone." Carter's footsteps followed her, and I could hear their voices retreating. I was frozen in place, unable to just run.

Something grabbed my wrist, dragging me backwards. I fell and landed hard, a sharp pain going through my elbow. I cried out, looking up into the face of the zombie who'd pulled me down. He was young, but still older then me. That didn't do much to make me feel better though, because this close I could see how truly dead he looked. Hollow cheeks, dark circles under his eyes. His mouth gaped open slightly, but no sound came out. Like he was trying to scream but wasn't allowed. For a sickening second I realized I knew exactly what that felt like.

I scrambled backwards, and because I was so disoriented my back hit the wall again. I tried cradling my arm to my chest, and the pain lessened a bit. My heart was pounding in my ears, screaming at me to run. But I was surrounded. I tried to find a way out, a break in the line, but I only panicked more when I realized there was none. I clutched my legs into my chest, trying and failing to stand up. It occurred to me that I didn't actually know what it was that they would do, but I did remember Brie saying they wanted souls. And that hardly sounded pleasant. I tucked my head into my chest, squeezing my eyes shut.

There was a sharp, sickening crack, but it didn't come from me. I looked up abruptly to find they were backing off, their eyes no longer focused on me. They didn't seem able to process the information quickly enough, but I could. One of them was laying on the ground, unmoving. The one who's grabbed me. I went to stand up and run, intending to take my opening, but someone out their hand on my shoulder.

"Try and stay there so you don't get caught up in this," Aryan hissed, and relief washed through me. I closed my eyes for a second, finally able to take deep breaths. It was partly because I didn't want to have to watch another massacre, but mostly because I knew he would take care of it. I leaned my head against the wall just a little too hard, finally able to open my eyes. Now that the flood of adrenaline was gone I was just exhausted, slumping against the wall.

"Are you alright?" He asked, and I nodded breathlessly.

"I think I did something to my arm, b-but other than that I'm just shaken up," I confirmed, smiling a little. "Thanks for- that," I said lamely, and he nodded before helping me up.

"I was hardly going to let anything happen to you," he said, and I was unashamed to say I was leaning on him probably more than I should have. I looked down, but watching the ground didn't keep me from stumbling. He caught me, of course, and I could feel my face flushing.

"S-sorry," I mumbled, and jumped a little when he arm threaded around my waist.

"Why were you running?" he asked, and I turned a little to face him. I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my ears but this time for an entirely different reason.

"I didn't want to choose," I admitted quietly. He frowned.

"Between?" I shuffled a bit, looking away before forcing myself to meet his eyes.

"Well, Brie's my friend, and she's saved my life at least three times now. But, you're..." There was a phrase I didn't know how to end. He was what, the guy who killed me? Or the one who's been helping me, who warned me about Brie and the twins and who's giving me an honest choice. When I was able to look up again, I was staring straight into the unnatural black of his eyes. And it didn't scare me.

I'd kissed him before, but this was different. His hand moved to cup my face, his thumb tracing along my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to my level. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was sweet. I pulled away first, promptly making an ass of myself and looking away. It was a source of immense shame that I was blushing, which of course only made me blush harder.

"Come on, we'd better get inside," he said quietly, and even though I could tell he was smiling I just nodded and followed mutely.


That just happened.

We walked in through the front door again, although this time I felt a little better about it. I kept expecting to see Brie, since I didn't think it had been that long. Then again, between the nearly dying and kissing Aryan my mental capacity wasn't really fully at 100%. Skylla seemed to be back at the DJ table, since the music had picked up again. I couldn't help but feel a little bit of resentment towards her, unreasonable as it was. I hesitated once we were inside, suddenly unsure what exactly we were doing.

"Um..." I looked to Aryan for help, and he gently took my hand. I was becoming increasingly grateful for the darkness of the room, because it was actually ridiculous how much I was blushing. We went back upstairs, since I got the general feeling that as much as I would have liked dancing it wasn't a place Aryan would end up.

It was all but abandoned upstairs, and I remembered the earlier plan to gather people. It hit me like a brick, the realization that this was still a war. Aryan must have noticed, because he squeezed my hand just a little tighter. I took a deep breath, falling onto the nearest couch. To my surprise, as soon as I was comfortable Aryan was pacing furiously.

"Who the fuck does he think he is?" He growled, and I was genuinely concerned until I saw Jun sitting at the bar opposite. It wasn't directed at me, then.

"Context," he said simply, and Aryan nodded once before explaining what had just happened. Well, the zombies, not the... other part. I sighed, annoyed at myself. I was blushing again, goddamn.

"And you think it was Kayin?" Jun asked, which made me sit up.

"He wouldn't-" I protested, certain it was true. Sure, he was very mood whiplash-y but he was still genuinely kind. And he had agreed to help me if I needed it, so there was no way. Unfortunately, Aryan was shaking his head.

"Who else could it have been?" It wasn't so much demanding, but he did want an answer.

"They attacked him at his own house- why on earth would he do that?"

"Unless they were coming home," Jun remarked. "Back to their creator." I sat back, floored. Because, loathe as I was to admit it, he had a point. But it was a point I was unwilling to accept.

"I told you- under no circumstances can he remain as king," Aryan said, turning his back to me to face Jun. I watched the other man look down for a moment, swirling something in the glass I didn't notice he had.

"Alright, Aryan, you win," he sighed, downing the last of the drink. "Kayin won't be a part of this." I couldn't help but feel that it was said strangely, like it was just an afterthought.

"Good," Aryan sighed, nodding once before turning back to me. "I know you hardly want to accept it, but it's genuinely best for you to stay away from him," he said gently, and I hesitated before nodding.

"Okay, yeah," I said, even though I knew it wasn't something I could agree to.

"Uh, Jun?" All three of us looked over to see Tallie standing in the doorway. I smiled in greeting, but the look of concern on her face froze it in place.

"Tallie?" He asked, jumping off the chair and noticing the same thing I had. "What's wrong?"

"There's... someone here for you," she said uncertainly, her gaze flicking between me and Aryan.

"What's going on?" Jun asked firmly, but Tallie shook her head.

"Not for you," she corrected herself, moving so she wouldn't be blocked and could look at me.

"For her."

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