House Of Wolves

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He swung around the counter and picked a few colourful bottles off the shelves.

"You can legally drink, right?" he asked, and I laughed.

"Look at you, being all responsible. Twenty-one, and we're in Canada,"I said with a wink, and he pointedly didn't comment. I watched him pour two shot glasses, and contemplated for a second if getting drunk was a completely good idea.The liquids separated into three separate layers, and I gave a low whistle. "Well that's fancy," I laughed. He shrugged.

"Technically I could set the top layer on fire," he said, and my eyes widened.


"I'm not kidding," he replied, setting the glass in front of me.

"Do it!" I insisted, grabbing one of the glasses and motioning for his own. "You have to show me your amazing bar tending skills and light it on fire." He laughed, shaking his head before downing the shot.

"I'll get yelled at if I set it on fire," he insisted, and I frowned before taking my own shot. It was horrible, of course, but that was usually the point.

"I get the feeling this was a bad idea." I said, and hummed in agreement.

"Probably."He agreed, and I fake glared at him.

"I blame you for whatever happens tonight." I said, and he nodded resolutely.

"Fair enough." I set the glass down, not really noticing that I hadn't put it down earlier. When I looked back up, his eyes were black, like they'd been in the split second during the party. I started, alarmed because I was kind of getting used to him being the only one with normal eyes. When he saw me he shuffled awkwardly, and I watched the irises lighten.

"Sorry,habit," he laughed, and I shook my head.

"No,no I did not give that awkward speech just to have you back out on me!" I laughed, holding my hands up. He smiled.

"Yes,well, windows to the soul and all that. Want another drink?" I shook my head.

"I think I'm done, thanks."

"Does this mean I'm allowed to take you to meet everyone?" He leaned back against the bar.

"I guess...? Assuming no one's gonna kill me or anything." At this point that was becoming an actual concern, and I wasn't too sure how I felt about that.

"No,they're fine. They are going to be convinced we're together though," he added, and I shrugged.

"That'snot too bad then." He shook his head and walked out from behind the bar,leading the way downstairs again. It was a little less stressful,which might have been completely because of the shot. Either way, it wasn't too bad of a change. When we got to the first floor he light had dimmed but other than that things looked relatively the same. It occurred to me that Aryan's seemingly constant suits were probably to fit in here.

"Geez, you just blew right past earlier!" It was the same girl behind the bar as last time, and Aryan held up his hands in surrender.

"I had a few things I needed to do," he said defensively, but I could tell he was smiling. I did my best not to just trail after him,since that didn't seem like the greatest first impression.

"And look at you!" she scolded, and I was definitely starting to like her. "Drag this poor girl in here and don't even introduce us! Tallie." She stuck her hand out over the counter and I shook it,smiling despite myself and studying her. She had short brown hair,curly enough that it clung around her face. Her movements were confident, smiling up at us through pale eyes while she moved glasses and bottles around. She was dressed in something that looked like it belonged in a casino, which I guessed wasn't too far off from what this was. Black and white and low cut, probably short too. But I could hardly say it didn't work on her. She slid a tall glass across the bar with gloved hands, turning back around and brushing the bar with her tail.

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