Chapter 5

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Spending most the night either packing or helping Louis and Gail move her heavier stuff into their apartment, Harry wakes up the next morning feeling as if he's just closed his eyes. Rolling out of bed, he grabs the clothes he left out to put on, takes a shower, then gets dressed. On his way to Ivory's he stops at the local Starbucks and grabs them both a coffee, after he calls Gail to find out what she likes. Harry then parks and walks to her door and taps it three times with the toe of his boot.

Ivory just gets done putting her hair in a messy bun when she hears a tap on her door. "Hang on bubby, someone is at the door." She smiles as she walk in that direction. Opening the door she sees Harry standing there with two cups in his hands and a grin. "Morning, come on in." She says. "Sorry bubby, it's just Harry, I work with him now." She smiles as she takes the coffee he offers, mouthing "thank you"."

"Does he take pictures to, sissy?" Andy asks.

"No, baby. I take pictures of him." Ivory says.

"Ooh, he must be pretty." Andy says with a giggle. "Can I see him sissy, please."

Ivory sets her cup down, and covers her mouth, trying not to laugh. She then looks up at Harry, the look on his face is priceless, she didn't know if she wanted to go ahead and laugh anyway or cry. Suddenly her phone is taken out of her hand.
"Hey, I'm Harry. Your sister told me about you, your name is Andy, right?" He says to the adorable guy on the phone.

"Wow, you are pretty." Andy giggles. "I can see why sissy takes pictures of you, that's her job. Your not ones of the mean ones are you?" He asks.

"No I'm not one of the mean ones. And you want to know something Andy? I think you're pretty also, I've seen the pictures sissy took of you, they're good." Harry says.

Andy laughs. "Does this make us friends, since we've talked on the phone?"

"Yep, I'll make sure you get my number so you can call me whenever you want to. I'll let you talk to sissy now." Harry says as he blinks back tears, and hands Ivory her phone back.

"Bubby, I'm gonna have to go, I have a plane to catch." Ivory says as she reaches for Harry's hand. "I'll call when we land, I'll give you Harry's phone number then, and you can talk to him again. Okay?"

"Okay sissy. Love you. Tell my new friend I love him too, and for him to take care of you." Andy says.

"I will bubby." Ivory says, then hangs up her phone, then turns and hugs Harry. "Thank you for talking to him. Everyone else I know except Gail treats him so horrible."

"I'd never do that." Harry whispers wrapping his arms around her. "He's an amazing guy, I can't wait to talk to him again. You ready to go, I'll get your bags."

"Yeah, and thanks for the coffee. How'd you know what I liked?" Ivory asks as they get into his car.

"Called Gail, forgot to get your number." Harry says as he hands her his phone. "Go ahead and add your brother's too. I meant what I said about talking to him."

Ivory adds her and Andy's numbers in Harry's phone then calls her so she'll have his, before giving it back. Just as he's reaching for it, it rings, and he asks her to answer it since he's driving. "Hello?" Ivory says softly.

"Who the fuck is this? And why would you be answering my boyfriend's phone?" DeeDee yells.

Ivory jerks the phone away from her ear, she then puts it on speaker and puts her finger to her lips. "Excuse me? Your boyfriend, explain to me how Harry can be your boyfriend when he's been with me every night for the past week? Obviously you're doing something wrong if he'd rather spend his nights with me than you." Ivory snaps.

"Why you. I'll have you know Harry spends every day all day with me, we work together." DeeDee says in smug voice.

"Hate to tell you this, but that don't impress me much." Ivory sang, impressing Harry. "Working with your boyfriend doesn't give you much private time." Ivory laughs. "So go ahead and work with him all you want, I'll just keep spending the night with him. And oh Jesus what he does at night, well never mind you don't need to know. Tata." Ivory says before hanging up, the tosses Harry's phone onto the console.

Harry bursts out laughing. "Oh my God. I sure wish I'd met you sooner." Harry says as he parks at the airport. "She's been a pain in my backside since I broke up with her."

"I'm sorry?" Ivory says laughing.

"Come on, I want to make sure our seats are together." Harry says as he grabs her and his bags. When they get to where everyone else is Mr. Roberts and his husband is there. "Wasn't expecting this." Harry whispers.

"Morning, I see everyone is here." Mr. Roberts says. "Now don't worry we're not going with you. Lou and Ivory will be in charge, the reason we are here is to let you know we've chartered a private plane for you. Ivory, you might want to take this opportunity to tell Harry about the first photo shoot he'll be doing when you land. You did get the papers I sent to your house last night didn't you?"

"Yes sir, I did." Ivory says. "I'll definitely explain everything to him and Lou before we land."

"Very good, we'll I'll let you get loaded up. Enjoy your trip." Mr. Roberts says.

Once Harry and Ivory are on the plane, they make sure they're sitting next to one another, Lou and Gemma claims the seats across from them. As soon as they're in the air, Ivory sighs and lays her head on Harry's shoulder and promptly falls asleep. Harry's not far behind her, he lays his head on hers and is out in seconds.

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