Chapter 15

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Ivory leans against Harry as they sit on the sofa, Andy sitting beside her is talking to Liam. She's never been around so many people at one time who are willing to treat her brother as normal as the group of people she's found lately, first Harry, then Gemma and Lou. And when he got hired on at the agency Jason and Halsey never even batted an eye, they jumped right in acting as if he was alway a part of the team. And even though Gail has known Andy for years, now here's Louis, Liam and Niall all acting like they can't see his differences, and all the plans they're making for the week she knows they've changed so it will be activities to include Andy.

Gail looks at Ivory and Harry. She never dreamed her best friend would end up with Louis' best friend, but seeing them together, they fit. "You two are quiet." Gail says. "Don't you have something to say about the plans these guys are making?"

Ivory shrugs. "They sound fine with me. As long as Andy has fun during his time here, before we have to go back to work, I'm fine with whatever they come up with. As long as it's safe and doesn't contain alcohol." She says.

"We quit partying like that a long time ago." Liam says. "Alcohol is pure fat and bad for a model's waist line, when Harry got his first modeling gig we were respectful enough not to drink around him, which helped us all." He says.

"We all got in better shape, met nicer friends due not going to clubs all the time." Niall adds. "I guess you can say Harry's job made us all better people."

"When are the two of you planning on getting married?" Louis asks. "Are you going to wait until this contract is up, or try and fit it in between shoots?"

Harry shakes his head. "I don't want to wait that long. We still have another year and a half to go, I know some people have been engaged longer than that, but I'm not willing to wait that long to call Ewok my wife." He says, pulling Ivory even closer.

Ivory places her hand on Harry's thigh. "I agree with Chewbacca." She says with a smile. "I'd rather get married sooner than later."

Gail and Louis look at each other. "I'd have a suggestion then." Gail says.

"What?" They say at the same time, causing Andy to start giggling.

Gail smiles at Andy and pats his leg. "Look at who's in the room, two of Harry's best friends. Who, I might add are two of the best party planners ever, it's their jobs." Gail says, seeing when they catch on to what she's hinting at. "If Liam and Niall can't plan a beautiful wedding in a week then they need a new career."

Harry looks down at Ivory, when he sees the tears in her eyes he knows she wants this as much as he does. "Can you do that?" Harry asks. "We leave in five days."

Liam chuckles. "Bud, we'll have you married, with a gorgeous wedding to boot in three. Will that work?"

Ivory launches herself out of Harry's arms and hugs Liam then Niall. "Why are we still sitting here? We have work to do." She says as tears run down her cheeks.

Niall jumps up, walks over to Ivory's desk. "Okay, before we go running out like chicken's with out heads cut off. We need a list." He says. ""Ivory who is standing up with you?"

"Gail and Gemma." Ivory says, not even having to think about it.

Niall then looks at Harry, Harry looks at Louis, at his nod, Harry smiles. "Andy and Louis."

Andy's head jerks up. "Me? Why me, I'm a new friend?"

"No Andy, you're my brother now, that's why. I'll need my family with me." Harry says, hugging the boy.

"Okay, who's giving the bride away?" Niall asks.

"Oh, well we don't have a dad. I was going to ask Robin." Ivory whispers, looking up at Harry. "You think he'd do it?"

Harry kisses her. "Let's find out." He says as he pulls out his phone and calls his dad.

"Hey son what's up?" Robin asks.

"Sorry dad it's not Harry it's Ivory. I have a question." Ivory says, trying not to cry.

"Oh, okay dear. What is it?" Robin asks.

"Harry and I decided we don't want to wait another year and a half to get married, we're planning on doing this in three days. I'll need someone to give me away." Ivory says.

"Baby girl, say no more. I'd be honored." Robin says. "When do we need to be there?"

"Head this way now dad, mom and Gem need to be in on the shopping. Things will be happening fast." Harry says.

"On our way son." Robin says.

For the rest of the day wedding plans were made, the other plans pushed to one side for the next time they came home. An hour later Niall leans back in his seat.
"Looks like we've covered everything except one thing." He says.

"Which is?" Liam asks, putting his arm around him.

"The place. Where are we doing this?" Niall asks. "I don't know of a place, we can get, on short notice big enough for something like this."

Harry grabs his phone. "I do." He says as he scrolls through his contacts. "Mr. Roberts, Harry Styles, no everything is great. Actually I have a favor to ask, I was wondering if Ivory and I can use the atrium in three days, we're getting married." Harry says.

"Son, you and that sweet child can use any room, decoration or anything else you need we have here." Dave says. "Congratulations."

"Thank you sir." Harry grins. "Done, anything else?"

"Nope, that covers it for now. We just need to shop for the food and when everyone gets here the dresses and tuxedos." Niall says.

With that said everyone left, and Harry locks the house up. They were all planning on meeting up early the next day to do the shopping together.

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