Chapter 17

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Harry walks into the house and smiles, he loves coming home smelling whatever it is his amazing wife is cooking. Going straight to the kitchen, Harry sees Ivory standing in front of the stove, walking up behind her, he wraps his arms around her.
"That smells great." He says kissing her neck.

"That's good, it's almost done." Ivory says, turning so she can hug Harry back. "You might want to have a talk with Adam, he's in his room." She whispers.

Harry sighs. "What did he do this time?" Harry asks, a he rubs Ivory's pregnant belly. "The kid is only eight, how much trouble can he get in?"

Ivory shrugs. "I'll let him tell you. Just don't yell at him to much, he feels bad enough as it is."

"Okay, sit down. I don't want you overdoing it. I love you." Harry says as he turns to go talk to their oldest son.

"Love you too. Oh, Louis and Gail will be here later." Ivory says as he walks out the door.

Harry waves his hand, letting his wife know he heard her, he then jogs up the step to Adam's room. Just as he's about to knock on the door he hears Adam saying. "It won't matter Issy, dad will still be mad. You and I might like it, but he'll blow a gasket." He says to his younger sister, Isabella.

With a frown Harry eases the door open and peeks in, what he sees makes him gasp and the two kids on the bed to spin and look at him. "What the hell?" Harry snaps when he sees his daughter's beautiful blonde hair, now a horrid shade of purple. "Adam Edward Styles, did you do that to your sister's hair?" Harry asks, putting his hands on his hips.

Adam looks down, nodding. "Yes sir."

"Daddy." Isabella runs, hugging Harry's legs. "Don't be mad at bubby, I wanted this color. I didn't like the green." She grins.

Harry shakes his head. "That's beside the point Issy, Adam should have known better. He shouldn't have used any color at all." Harry says.

"I know, but my hair is to dark, the same color as yours. It wouldn't have shown up in mine." Adam says. "Issy is the one who suggested we do hers instead."

"Jesus, what am I going to do with you two?" Harry sighs, as he picks Issy up.

Issy wraps her arms around her daddy's neck. "It washes out daddy. I'll look just like mommy again in no time." She smiles, kissing his cheek.

Harry chuckles. "Baby you can be bald and you'd still be as beautiful your mommy." He says kissing his daughter's cheek.

"So am I forgiven?" Adam asks.

"I guess. Now go wash up, dinner is almost ready. And go get Quinton so mommy doesn't have to climb the stairs, I'm getting a quick shower." Harry says as he walks out of Adam's room. Five minutes later Harry walks into the dining room and sees Adam setting the table. He can't believe he and his Ewok has been married for ten years now, and she's about to grace him with their fourth child. The first two year were rough, all the traveling, the female models not knowing he was married, all the flirting. After the contract with Mr. Roberts walks finally over, they both sat down and discussed their next career move. Harry was floored when Ivory told him she wanted him to follow his dream of being a singer. For her to want him to do that, putting her own career on hold, just made Harry love his wife even more. Now, after five albums, and world tours, almost four kids, Harry is tired of all the traveling. He wants to stay home, be a husband and dad.
That's what he's doing now, Harry's in the process of opening his own recording studio. He's done leaving his family, and he's about to tell them that.

"Daddy!" Quinton yells, wrapping his tiny arms around Harry's legs.

Harry swings his two year old son into his arms. "Hey baby." He smiles, hugging his tiny body to his chest.

"Sit, Chewbacca food is done." Ivory says as she eases into her chair.

Harry sits down after placing Quinton in his highchair. "Hey Louis, Gail."

"Dad? How long you home this time?" Adam asks.

Harry glances over at Ivory, when she nods, he pushes his plate to one side. "Son, I'm home for good. I'm never going on tour again. Uncle Louis and I are starting our own business here. I might have to leave town for short periods of time, but I'll never be gone like before." Harry says.

Isabella starts crying, then jumps out of her chair and runs to Harry. "I'm so glad, I hate when you go away daddy. It's so much better when you're home." She says hugging his neck.

"I'm like it better when I'm home to Issy." Harry says as he looks around at his amazing family. "And I'm home for good." Harry whispers as he grabs Ewok's hand.

A week later Ivory gave birth to their second daughter. Fifteen years after that Adam Edward Styles put out his first solo album, a Harry Styles production, cover artwork done by Ivory and Isabella Styles-Tomlinson.

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