Chapter 9

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Weeks later Harry and Ivory still aren't talking to each other unless it's during a photo shoot, as soon as they get back to the hotel they go their separate ways. Now here they are landing in the Caribbean, as they're walking through the airport Harry notices Ivory is lagging behind, looking around like she's looking for someone. Then suddenly the most beautiful grin appears on her face, then he hears a voice he recognizes.

"Sissy, I come see you." Andy cries out as he sees his sister, causing everyone to turn in their direction.

Harry's jaw almost drops when he sees Andy in person. Talking to the boy on the phone in no way showed him how big the kid was. But looking at him now Andy is at least six foot tall.

"Oh Andy, I've missed you so much." Ivory cries as she jumps into her brother's arms.

Gemma wipes away a few tears. "I knew he was coming. Mr. Roberts approved it when he and his husband were visiting weeks ago, I just didn't know her Andy was like our Adam." She says with tears trying to escape again.

"I did, but didn't know he was going to be here." Harry says, when he sees Andy looking around, hoping he's looking for him. When he sees Andy whisper something to Ivory and her look in his direction and nod he knows he's right.

Andy turns and walks toward his only friend here. "Hi Harry, sissy is letting me spend my birthday with her this year."

Harry grins and holds his arms open, when Andy steps into them he hugs the boy to him. "That's great Andy, but you realize that means you get to spend your birthday with me too." Harry says.

"Oh yeah. Hey Harry? That girl with the green hair looks kinda like you." Andy says. "I don't think sissy would look good with green hair."

Harry laughs. "That's my sissy, Andy. Come on, Ivory and I will introduce you to her a few of the others." He says holding his hand out to Ivory, raising one eyebrow.

Ivory looks at Harry's hand, then her brother. Wanting to make this birthday special, she shrugs and places her hand in Harry's. "Bubby, I have so many things planned while you're here with me, by the time you get ready to go home, I'll bet you'll be so tired you'll sleep most the way there." Ivory says.

"I thought you had to work?" Andy says, opening the car door for the ladies like his sister taught him to.

"Thank you Andy." Gemma grins, kissing his cheek. "That's so sweet, most guys don't do that."

"That's rude, a guy should always treat a lady with respect." Andy says, making Harry feel like an ass for the way he's been acting.

"You're right Andy. Good for you for saying that." Lou says as the car heads toward the hotel. "Are we not going to our private shoot?" She asks.

Ivory shakes her head. "I just got a message from Dave, I mean Mr. Roberts. He wanted me to tell you two it's been moved to tomorrow. He let the designers know about Andy, they sent me a text, asking me his size. As a birthday gift to my brother." Ivory pauses, takes a breath, then continues. "The designers are creating a few things that will fit bubby, things that will match the outfits Harry will be wearing, they're wanting me to take special pictures of you two together for their mental illness awareness addition in their magazine." She says as she wipes away her tears, seeing Gemma and Lou doing the same.

Andy bounces in his seat, clapping his hands. "I get to have my picture taken with my new best friend and put in a magazine like he does all the time?"

"Yes, bubby you do. So when we get to the place we're going to tomorrow, Harry will help you get dressed and you'll have do as I say, or do as Harry does. That way we can get the pictures taken I'll take a few extra so you can take them home with you." Ivory says.

"What about us, and our collection?" Harry says, reminding her of the photos they have building up, before his fuck up.

"And some for our collection." Ivory says rolling her eyes. Getting to the hotel, once again not enough rooms were booked or the reservations were screwed up. With a sigh, Ivory holds her hand up and let's out an ear percing whistle. "Enough, there's nothing we can do about the fuck up now, Jason, Halsey, Marcus and Asia, you four are dating, take one of the rooms with a double bed. Tony and Kasey are dating so they get one of the single rooms. Jay you and Summer can share, you do it all the time, your gay so it doesn't matter. Lottie and Gemma can share as they always do, so that leaves Chewbacca with me and my brother. Problem solved. Now get some rest." Ivory says grabbing her brother hand leading him to their room.

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