"Hope your love likes it." He tells me.

"He is just a good friend of mine though." I tell him and he just smiles at me.

"Sorry were we late...?"

"It's okay you were just 2 minutes late though." Ben puts up a sad face.

"Sorry 😐." I tell him and I smile at Anna and we both start smiling.

"Enough if you both completed your stuff shall we leave." He says and then we get in the car and we go to Ben's house.

" He says and then we get in the car and we go to Ben's house

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"Your house is very beautiful😲." I tell him and literally I was awestruck seeing his house.

"You live here all by yourself." I ask him.


Ben Williams P.O.V:

Anna plays with her toys and Madi just sits and looks at the sky. She has earphones and she keeps listening to songs. I go and take her earphones and I put it.

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

"Wow. I love ❤️ this song." I tell her.

"This song is one of my favorite song." She tells me.

"Mine too but if you sing this song I think it would just be more beautiful and perfect." I tell her.

"No..." She smiles.

"Sasha said she will pick me and Anna." She tells me.

"Oh Okay." I tell her and I feel sad thinking if I drop them I can look at her for some more time.

"We will meet at the party." Saying that she leaves.

Me and Blake reach the party and I search everywhere for Madi.

"Blake.." I was about to ask.

"Ben, Dude they are on the way just hold your heart for more 5 to 10 minutes." He tells me and starts laughing.

"Sasha you look amazing very beautiful😘 as always." Blake goes and hugs Sasha and kisses her on cheek.

I keep searching for my princess and then I see her come.

Oh My God, She looks drop dead gorgeous😲🔥.

"I just feel I don't know many adjectives I guess to describe you

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"I just feel I don't know many adjectives I guess to describe you." I tell Madi and I see her blush.

We all talk and then Sasha and Blake go and dance 💃🏼.

Madison P.O.V :

"May I have a dance with you princess." Ben asks me and I just give my hand without a second thought.

We just dance and I keep looking at his eyes and I just get lost myself in his eyes and then he smiles😀. He just looks adorable while smiling.

Looking at him makes me to smile even more.

We smile we dance he lifts me up he spins me and what not and I just enjoy myself way too much.

I just love when I am with him.

Suddenly his phone rings "Madi I will be back I gotta take this call." He says and then he leaves.

I see Sasha and Blake dancing and they both have beautiful smiles on their face and I smile🙂 looking at them.

I get up to go to washroom and I search and I don't find it and while I was walking I hit some guy.

"Sorry." I tell him.

"It's alright gorgeous." He tells and I some how get bad vibes🤢 from him and I just walk away.

I go upstairs and while I was walking someone closes my mouth and pulls me into a room and he just closes the door.

"What the hell!! 😡Are you out of your senses." I shout at him and I notice he was the same guy whom I met a few minutes before.

"Aw come on let's have some fun." He comes near me.

"Shut the hell." I shout more loudly and I just push him away.

"So you wanna make it a hard way fine."

He shuts my mouth with his hands and with his other hand he catches my hands tightly and I struggle to get rid of him but I can't he catches very tightly and scratches my hand that I see blood coming out of my wrist.

I start crying tears wouldn't stop coming out of my eyes.

"Ben Ben Ben !!!!" I shout.

His name is all I can think. My voice wouldn't come out.

He starts kissing my neck.

I just don't know what to do he is drunk and I am struggling to get rid of him he hits me hard to the wall and my head starts hurting badly and lights get switch off. He starts kissing me.

I start feeling blood coming out from my lips.

"Please please leave me." I plead. He is too big that I can't even push him.

"Ben....." That's all I say and I start loosing my senses I see blood on my wrist. I can feel blood near my lips and my head hurts.

I cry I shout.


* * *

Hello there beautiful people, I am extremely glad that you took out time to read my book. Thanks for all your support till now and I will be super happy to know your views. Comment or DM me about how much you liked this chapter.

With Love,
Amicable Rose 🌹

Everlasting Hearts : A Tale of Eternal Love [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora