Time Limits

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Hey all, if you are excited, be more excited because

Jesse McCartney

inspired this chapter:))




Danni's POV

I felt power. Blistering, consuming, intense Power.

It was me, my wolf and power, I know this was the power that Arron's dad was talking about, but I didn't realise it would be this strong. It was like that movie limitless where Eddie, the main character, has his first pill and he see's everything so clearly.

I was seeing the world through new eyes, clearer, stronger eyes, my hearing enhance so I could hear the smallest things, the ruffle of the grass outside this place.

My enhanced sight, I could see the thump, thump movement of My uncles heart as he realised what was happening, he was the first to lunge, trying to get the upperhand, I anvanced a moment after hs first missing swing, my wolf growled through me, swiping cleanly at his throat and slitting it with her claws that now showed on my hands. I screamed inside myself, terrified about what was happening.

My wolf tried to calm me while circling Alyssa, Alyssa growled and my wolf snarled, I gulped and waited for the attack, my wolf sprung, gripping Alyssa's hair and throwing her, quick as lighting moving to slam her head into the wall, I could see the move stunned Alyssa, i knew I should be terrified, fighting my wolf but she was too strong and right now? I couldn't care.

I had watched Alyssa for to long cause me immense pain with my own mate and as I thought that, my wolf was enraged she gripped Alyssa's head, lunging for the kill with her now insized canines, gripping her throat she was about to rip her throat out.

"Danni!" A fimilure voice yelled.

My wolf looked up, I am sure my eyes were a dark, brillent blue, my wolf snarled, her heart, my heart aching at the sight of her ate, My Arron at the door, staring at us in shock, she snarled at him, feeling Alyssa coming back to consiousness, struggling futily against our strength.

"Danni, baby, stop this I know you don't want to do this to her, your wolf has taken control of you, I can help you, but you know i am right, relax baby, its your wolf, your power." he said, voice husky as he stepped foward slowly, she snarled, Alyssa whimpered.

:Arron help me!" she whimpered, my wolf snarled at her display of need for her mate.

My wolf, Amelia, i found out, through her roughly at the ground, kicking her repeatedly in her stomach, without any feelings of remorse, I yelled for her to stop, my voice working and knowing this was wrong. I felt arms connect around my waist, pulling me back.

My wolf turned to attack, coming face to face with a sterm looking Arron, his eyes completely conumed in black, his wolf.

"Amelia! This is enough, I realise what the girl did, but this is not right, torturing her, it is uniccetable," he growled, my wolf flinched back at the voice of her mate, she whimpered inwardly, feeling hurt, angry and betrayed.

"Mate, my mate,My Devin are you siding with the mutt," hurt evident in her voice.

I saw Devin's eyes hint with regret, knowing what he had done wrong. But it was too late he coudn't fix this.

Before he could say anything Amelia interjected, cutting him off, "She took you away from me! She took your human away from mine, you saw the evidence of what that brought her yet you still side with that thing, you saw the marks Devin! You can take the mutt then, be happy with her, because it is obvious that you don't feel the same way about me, no matter the bond. I will leave you in peace," and before Devin or Arron could say anything, Amelia was running.

I tried to tell her to stop but her pain was so strong, her humilation, her pride was ruined when she felt him tell her to not kill her opponent.

All I knew, All she knew, was pain

My heart was tearing and I couldn't stop it, i reached the border line to my house, in mere seconds, ignoring his shouts of my names.

I ran upstairs, packed and flew, Amelia was whimpering an let me back in control, I cried out at the pain, even though Amelia was holding most of it in her.

We must leave, he wants us gone, we shall leave, I cannot bair it Human, Danni, We must leave, they do not love us, we are unworthy in their eyes, they do not love us, they are right, we are weak and disgusting,"She whimpered, I whimpere.

And so we did, we ran. Not to come back. We ran.

Arron's POV

It has been 10 months seen We had seen our beloved. Danni nor Amelia had not called or replied to anyone, they had literally dropped off our radaar, I as useless, weak, nothing without her. I cntinued to fight, Alyssa, was sentenced to death, and killed the night of.

Her brother was constantly at my side as was my father and mother, it pained me daily, getting worse everyday. I felt liek there was a hole in my heart, worse, i felt like someone had ripped my soul in half, which is literally what had happened.

I put on a brave face, but I missed Danni, and Devin missed Amelia.

I was an empty shell of what I was.

I had searched for her constantly, never giving up, always looking for her. There were cases where we thought I had found her but it was just flukes.

I was currently talking to a man who had supposdly helped her across the border and to a safe house, but that, turned out to be a dead end. All I new? I nneded my mate.

And I was going to find her.

I ws about to run when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I whispered

"Urm, is this Alpha King?" A deep voice asked me

"Yes, who want to know?" I asked back

"This is Aplha Tullephne, of the Shadows Pack, i was notified that you had called me, asking about a female? Your mate?"

"Yes?" I asked, my heart starting up in the worry/hope that usually went throught me

"Well, I have records of 2 powerful, unmated she-wolfs on my territory..."

Danni's POV

I woke slowly from my slumber, eyes slowly opening, not that they had been closed for long, the emptiness was killing me.

I shuddered as I remembered times when my wolf and I used to cry out during our sleep, but now? I lived alone in a little cottage outside the town, in the forest. I had bought the land off a nice Alpha, he had let me stay on his land on the condition of me staying away from his pack, which I did,

I died my hair back to my natural brown and stayed in bed days that I wasn't running or shopping, I was tired, my wolf and I were lonely.

Sighing, i got up, showered and walked out into my loungeroom in my towle, rumedging through te cupboard for something to wear as i pulled on my bra and undies. That was untill I heard a loud growl behind me, a growl I new too well.

I turned into eyes full of rage and need.


No One can Make Me FeelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang