going back.

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hey guys, I hope the last chapter wasn’t too bad?

If any of you have not seen A walk to remember, go to your nearest DVD store, I guarantee it is worth it, I bawled my eye balls out.

Anywhooo, enjoy?




Danni’s POV


I sat on the couch, not having moved, or eaten, no longer caring about anything, I had tried to shut out the pain for days, but it had been no use, the pain just kept finding new ways to get in, it seemed to get more powerful, but I hadn’t really been fighting the deep sadness I felt.

It had been a week. I hadn’t been to school, Lina tried to call me Monday night, my dad answered and asked me if I wanted to speak to her but I just shook my head, I had stopped talking as well.

I sighed, whipping the stray tears from my eyes, they just seemed to keep falling, I sat on my bed, needing to get rid of the pressure, need to get it out some way. The only way I knew how. The way I did when mum died.

Dad walked out of the house an hour ago to go to the shops, I looked around, getting up to close the door, I ran over to my desk, searching for the spare razor blade I kept in my pen box, I pulled it out, carrying it over to my bed, I got the extra tissue box from the bedside table and put it next to me, I leant against the wall.

I closed my eyes and pressed the sharp edge down on my wrist, away from major arteries, I pressed it in harder, dragging it across my skin, not deep enough to scar, I watched the blood pool at the surface of my skin. I felt the much needed release but it wasn’t enough, I could feel the pain/pleasure of the cut, I lifted the blade to place it on a new spot in my skin, digging again.

I felt the much needed high, I groaned at it, my heart crashing in my chest, the adrenalin feeling cursing through me, I got the tissues and whipped the gushing blood from my wrists, I was about to wrap them in bandages and pull my long sleeved shirt down when my door opened slowly, I pulled my sleeves down and looked at who entered. Dad.

“Hey honey, I just got you some cookie dough ice-cream because I know how you love the stuff when you were sad, I was wondering if you want it in here,” he asked and I smiled softly at him, nodding while walking over to the bed and sitting on the bloody razor blade, he sat on the bed next to me.

“Look hon, I know you have been down but I need you to give going back to school a shot Danni, I know you don’t want to go back with him there and I don’t really want you to but you need to focus on your studies, just please Danni?” he begged, I sighed, smiling a little.

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