Head down, Unfortunately I'm not that lucky

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Danni POV



I'm 17, not a baby, I dont need anyone, I can take care of myself, I am strong, stubborn and hopefull today I wont have to be known to anyone at the stupid new school, I thought to myself wryly, I got on my black skinny jeans, white tank top and black hoodie, as well as my Black Soft Faux Leather Pull On Flat Mid Calf Boots which I loved.

My waist long dark red hair, I pulled into a high pony tail, hair out of my face, I put on a light layer of eye liner and mascara, I got my new sholder pack bag and shoved my books into it.

Lastly I found the most important thing to my whole look, the locket my dad gave me after mum died, he said it was hers, it had a long chane all pure silver or whatever with a picture of a wolf on the middle of the locket.

I put it on and left the house, getting my new Original 4x4 off road jeep, Dad had bought it for me becuase I had agreed to come to a new town, I sighed, I hadn't actually the movers had just showed up one day and we were here now, me enrolled in a new high school.

I Pulled into the parking lot, getting out and locking my car door slowly, I sighed walking into the office, hoping no one noticed me, I walked up to the front desk and saw and elderly lady probably in her 50's working away on her computer, I coughed a little and she looked up , smiling at me kindly,

"Uh, hi, I'm Danni Rodriguez, I' m new here?" I stuttured a little nervous, I avoided talking to anyone if I could but this was unavoidable. I just hoped no one wanted to be my friend, I just dont like people very much, I dont like to make any connections.

"Oh, yes, Danni, We got word of you yesturday, here is your class schedual, a map and a newseltter," I smiled a little at her in thanks and walked out, I looked at my timetable and internally groaned I was smart but I hated shcool.

Period 1: Maths

Period 2: Drama


Period 3: English

2nd Lunch

Perios 4:Music

I sighed, following the map to My first class, I was a little late and I hated that, it caused more attention then nessesary considering I was new, I opened the door and walked in, all eyes went straight to me, some guys looked at me with a lustfilled gaze, girls glared, I just sighed and gave my slip to the teacher, Mr. Hobsins.

He nodded me to the last empty seat, thankfully no one sat there with me, I made my way to the back, sitting and getting my stuff ready, 5 minutes later the teacher walked down the isle to see what I was doing, I had finished the math problem he had place on the bord while everyone else still struggled.

He nodded approvingly at my work and walked back up front, I turned to a page in my book and started to draw while the teacher explained the equation.

"Mr. King, why must we go through the same rutine everyday?  Show up on time yes?" I heard a grunt in response and froze. No. The seat next to me was the only one left, great, I just had the worst luck, I moved my stuff as I felt his form move over here.

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