Show me your Talent;

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All, I again hope that you will love it<3

Enjoy :)


Danni's POV

As I blow dried my hair of, doing a lousy job, I couldn't help but not be bothered to work on my appearance, I pulled my hair back in a high pony tail, throwing on a sweater/top with long sleeves and a pair of skinny jeans with boots.

I got into my car and drove to school painfully slow, I didn’t want to be there, I even thought of skipping but in the end, I promised my dad.

Getting out I walked slowly to the front of the school, pack members froze when they saw me, I gulped watching their eyes change over to their wolves and show nothing but love and protection and a misery so deep I almost cried, I bit my tongue, opening the school door and walking in.

The first set of eyes I registered before every pack member went silent was Lina’s; she seemed to take in every inch of me, her eyes shining with tears, I swallowed and smiled softly at her and the other pack members, dropping it when I got to my locker, I opened it and  shoved my stuff in, rolling up my sleeves for a second to see the cuts, there were four clean slices, they had healed partially over night, only a little worse than a scratch now, I sighed and held on to my door when a wave of dizziness hit me.

Taking a deep breath I shook my head, grabbing my class book, “Danni,” his husky voice whispered behind me, I froze, not turning towards him, I stayed facing my locker, it seemed like the whole room had frozen to watch my reaction, I immediately put my walls up, my heart enclosed in the iron box, my ice covering my face in a blank expression, I turned to him.

I held in my gasp, he looked as perfect as I remembered and until this moment I hadn’t realised how bad my wolf was keening for him, I swallowed, “Arron.” I said, looking down.

“Are you doing the talent show this afternoon?” he asked, while taking in my thin, pale features, my lifeless red hair, the dark circles under my eyes and the utter look of nothing on my face, in truth though? I was broken, I felt nothing anymore, I don’t even think singing would help.

“I...I don’t know, I hadn’t really thought about it,” I whispered, not daring to look at him, I gripped my locker tighter, feeling the thin cotton of my shirt fall down, I heard a gasp.

“Danni? What is that on your wrist? Please tell me it isn’t what I thin—“

“Arron! Baby! There you are, god I have been looking everywhere for yo---oh. Is there a problem here?” Alissa’s shrill voice barked out, I pulled my walls tighter, waiting for more heart break.

I looked up, Arron’s face had an expression of pain on it, his eyes hadn’t left my wrist, I pulled my shirt down, his eyes staying on the now covered marks before he turned to Alissa with a smile, “Hey baby, no, I was just making Danni understand that I don’t want her and that nothing she does will change that, come on, let’s go and practise for the Talent show,” she laughed and tugged on his hand in the direction of the auditorium.

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