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Even after an hour Ana was not awake,Sandra was getting impatient.

"This is all my fault,i wanted to come to this stupid party...hoping to hook Ana up with someone!",Sandra exclaimed

Matt was beating himself up for what he had done,"Well you would have succeeded,if it wasn't for this huge piece of crap Adam".

Amanda and Sandra were confused...they did not have any idea about what had happened!

"I suggest you explain your statement right now or we are pressing assault charges against you for hitting Ana",Sandra growled

"You don't need to threaten me...i will tell you", then Matt told them the entire story from the part to what Adam had said to how he hit Ana

By the time Matt was finished Sandra's blood was boiling Adam was seriously testing her.

When Aaron sprinkled some water on Ana's face and all she did was let out weird noises Sandra had enough.

"It is all your fault,you waste of space...i always wanted to believe what Ana thought of you but you are nothing but a dog,a rather infectious non-faithful dog!

I will pull your eyeballs out if you try coming near my friend ever again!"Sandra was about to rip Adam's head when Adam stood up slammed the door on her face and drove away

"And for you Matt",Sandra was about to proceed but,

Ana opened her eyes slightly and mumbled "Please shut up"

Aaron who thought it was his responsibility as it was his party had had enough!

"OUT!! Everybody out of my house right now",he shouted

"We are not going anywhere without Ana",Amanda said

"Trust me,i will drop her home as soon as she is better",Aaron explained

"But!",Sandra was about to protest when Aaron gave her a look she couldn't disregard

And after a lot of promises on Aaron's part both of them finally agreed to leave.

As everyone was leaving Matt couldn't wait there alone without throwing fists at Aaron and that was the last thing he needed to do.

"I will apologise later",he thought and left

Only Aaron and Ana were the ones left in the house now.

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