At All Costs

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Afternoon classes are awful not only due to the single reason that Ana,Amanda and Sandra are not together.

The other reason a rather major one is that all the classes Ana has are with the one and only Adam.

Previously when Ana and Adam were together this was the best time for her but now Ana simply dreads it.

The main point of avoiding Adam is to hide the fact that Ana is still pretty much crazy about him but how can you avoid something that is constantly thrown in your face.

So there is Ana sitting at her desk with Adam sitting right next to her and laughing like there is no tomorrow.

"Seriously you are going to laugh at that stupid comment too",Ana wanted to tell that to Adam

"If only i was that confident",Ana thought

Even when Adam knew Ana is avoiding him,he makes it a point to cross her path everyday.

"So how are you doing?"Adam asks

"Am good" she answers.

"Aren't you going to ask me the same??"Adam inquires

"No",Ana thinks "Well yeah,I was about to ask that!",Ana lies

Adam continues the talk with Ana,soon she cannot take it anymore without letting him know how much she is hurting.

"I have to go,i need to complete my notes"Ana stands up

"Notes?!"Adam says confused

"Well yeah",Ana says and leaves before Adam could say anything

"Notes about a class you weren't even listening...real smooth",Ana thought to herself.

It was time to go Adam dashed out as soon as the bell rang.

"More time with the girlfriend.Yay"( sarcasm),Ana thought.

"I can't wait to get home",she said to nobody in particular.

She makes it a point to avoid Adam completely the next day at any cost.

Having working parents is kind of traumatic with the kind of thoughts Ana has when she is alone.

All the memories of her and Adam together,the smiles laughs long talks...Ana starts to remember everything

Then the bad ones the fights,tears,hurt,pain...everything she went through with him.

Later she just misses him...she would also sometimes text him an occasional emotional text as she would like to say.

Amanda and Sandra however believed those texts to be heavy and totally inappropriate to be sent to an Ex

Ana was home alone and her thought train was moving at full speed.

"Doesnt he ever miss me?

If he does why cant he text me

Should i text first

What if he thinks i am clingy

Well i sure sound clingy!!

Is he happy that i am not bothering him anymore", and she thinks on and on

She has an awesome family,being the only child, pampered one!

After her parents are home she seems to forget all the worries for once...her mom being a great cook surely helps!

"Omg,mom I am full"

"You do eat a lot",Ana's mom Samantha chirps

"Why does everyone have a problem with my appetite,Dad?!"

"Don't you worry, i feed you and unless i have a problem with that huge appetite of yours,you are good to go" her dad laughs

"If my appetite is huge you should definitely worry about yours too,Ana says as she heads to her room

There is nothing a good night's sleep can't fix,she thinks

After lots of twists and turns on her bed Ana reaches dreamland.

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