The Party

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All three Ana,Amanda and Sandra were crammed up in Sandra's room getting ready for the party

Ana's navy blue dress hugged her body in all the right places and she looked fabulous

Amanda's dark red dress did her complete justice,red had always been her colour.

Sandra's peach coloured dress brought out the flawless skin that she had.

Ana and Amanda had curled their hair to perfection,while Sandra had straight hairs falling flawlessly.

They were all set for the party.

They could hear the music from two blocks away,by the time they reached the house was jam packed with people.

Ana being the designated driver could not drink,so Amanda and Sandra went to get their drinks while Ana scanned the crowd for some familiar faces.

She found the siblings,Matt and Sophie in the corner arguing about something.

"Well well well if it isn't the regular sight of you two bickering",she teased

"Matt is such a pain,he kinda objects to everything i do!",Sophie states

"You go wrong at every step,and prevention is better than cure that is why",Matt interjects

Sophie ignored Matt and turned toward Ana,

"You look absolutely gorgeous",she commented

"Have you had a look in the mirror,there will be people begging at your feet today!",Ana told her

Sophie in her green strapless dress was quite a sight!

Aaron wolf whistles while approaching,"Someone's looking H-O-T",he said actually to both Ana and Sophie

"You are not that bad yourself",Ana told Aaron.

Just then Amanda and Sandra returned with drinks and pulled everyone to the dance floor!

"You guys can dance,dance your troubles away!!",they said in union.

All of them were up on the dance floor swaying and jumping to the beats,suddenly Ana's phone rang and she excused herself to go somewhere she could her the other person talk.

"Yes mom i will be safe and No I am not drinking and i will definitely not have sex with some random stranger",Ana assured her mom

"Be good Ana Williams,have fun" her mom said as she hung up.

Ana turned to return to the dance floor when she bumped into Adam!

Adam's all so familiar smell hit Ana too hard and she was unable to speak.

"I am sorry i should have seen where i was going" Adam apologised

"Am sorry,it was kinda my fault too" Ana said

Ana was leaving when Adam caught her hand,went close to her...too close for Ana to be able to breath the same air as him.

"I do miss you,Ana"

Ana took her hand away and almost sprinted out.

She couldn't take it,she ran out of the house for some fresh air.

"I can't leave i have to take Amanda and Sandra with me.If it wasn't for them I would not even be here...may be i should leave them here!",Ana thought

"Stupid stupid friends of mine",she almost whispered.

"Were you talking to yourself?!" Matt smiled

"I need some expert opinion",Ana felt relaxed

"What are you doing out here?",Matt asked

"Getting some fresh air, and you?"

"Same",Matt said

Both of them sat on the porch.

Matt could feel Ana's frustration!

"Did something happen?" he quizzed

"The usual Adam",Ana's reply surprised both her and Matt

"He is not worth your time,you should seriously consider moving on!

May be with someone whose name start with 'M' " Matt winked

"And i also doubt his sanity,who in their right mind will break up with such an amazing girl",Matt looked at Ana.

She smiled.

There was a minute of silence,then Matt leaned in to kiss Ana!

Ana was to shocked to even move,she couldn't register what was happening.

Before Matt's lips could reach hers...someone punched Matt!

Hard and square in the jaw.

Ana jolted up to see ,Adam who seemed like a raging ball of anger.

Matt who would not take any punches especially not in front of Ana was totally ready to attack!

A crowd was forming slowly,Ana saw Aaron approach to save the scene.

But before she could call him out Matt packed a punch and being the girl she was( stupid) she stood in between Matt and Adam.

Matt could not stop in time and his fist collided with Ana's face!

"My FACE!!",she thought but before she could let out a word the world around her darkened,all she did her was her best friends shouting something.

"There goes my consciousness"

Ana was out!

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