After the nerves passed, the sorting hat was placed on the two first years head's, declaring Y/N Ravenclaw and Philip, Gryffindor.

Despite their house differences, the two stayed best of friends. In Y/N's second year, she went to Philips house over winter break. Definitely the best week she had ever had, filled with Eliza Hamilton's homemade cookies, pianos spelled to play themselves, and Alexander Hamilton's large book collection.

Y/N became quite close with Philip's younger sister Angelica, or Angie as she liked to be called. She was two years behind herself and Philip, and filled with energy. Y/N found it adorable how she wanted to be just like her older brother.

Y/N could definitely say she didn't want to leave.

Second year flew by, their friendship growing stronger by the day. Despite the occurrences of the Chamber of Secrets, and the intenseness floating around Harry Potter, the drama was non existent. Pranks were pulled and fun was everlasting. Each other's presence was enough, distracting them from all other frightening things.

Third year was upon them in a flash, their end of the year testing becoming more intense, and werewolf howling becoming more current. Angie was sorted into Ravenclaw as well, just like Y/N and her mother.

Y/N was hauled up in the library non-stop, frequently studying with Hermione Granger or Theodosia Burr, her go-to study partners. Angie visiting occasionally.

The pranks Y/N were forced to be part of became less frequent, for even Philip was stressed over the amount of homework they received nightly.

Fourth year was by far the most intense. The year started out great, the lessons they were learning were simple. They passed classes in a breeze. The excitement of the Tri-wizard tournament bubbled within them.

That was until Harry Potter was chosen from the goblet, and feelings were stirred.

Philip and Y/N, in their own world of adventure, ignored the popular boy and continued being themselves.

But of course, not everything could be that simple. The end of the year brought heart dropping events. Lord Voldemort had risen again, according to Harry Potter.

Harry came back from the final tournament, holding the corpse of Cedric Diggory. And although Y/N had never known Cedric well, it was the death of a classmate. That did not stop her from collapsing in tears, clutching her stomach as she sobbed. Philip desperately trying to hold himself together for her and Angie crying slightly beside him. He held onto Y/N tightly while rubbing her back.

That summer Y/N had stayed with the Hamilton's. Alexander's theories and Eliza's pleads to not attend Hogwarts frightened Philip and herself even more, and Angie was in tears. If what was rumored to be true was true, their lives would change for the worst.

Fifth year started with stress, homework hitting them full force. Their O.W.L.s would take place this year, and the professors were definitely making sure they were prepared. That was everyone besides Professor Umbridge.

That's why Fred and George left Hogwarts with a bang, and why Y/N and Philip joined the group titled Dumbledore's Army, created by Harry. Y/N was invited by Hermione, and she brought Philip, who though it was a brilliant idea.

Philip had finally asked Y/N out during a Hogsmeade trip, much to her surprise. After many romantic tensions and her feelings growing, she should have expected it. Let's just say, Angie was thrilled and wrote to Eliza and Alexander immediately that night.

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