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Hello, and welcome back to a rewrite of one of my past books! If you haven't read the description please go read it now! Anyways, welcome to "Prisoners of the Facility". Trust me, this one will be a much better version of "Prisoner 0936". Trust me, it will. More details, more depressing pasts, and a much better plot! I will not go in blind this time. XD Alright, I hope you enjoy this version! Bye~

~ Glitch
[~] Time Skip a couple minutes/hours
[~][~] Time Skip a couple days/weeks
[~][~][~] Time Skep a couple months/years
[~][~] Different POV (Name goes here)[~][~]

I waited on the the steps of the front of my school, trying to wait patiently for my friend, Jason. I looked out at the cars passing by on the road; parents from other kids driving them to the warm safety of their home.

I screwed my eyes shut as a sharp, cold wind brushed at my face, whipping my hair softly. I loved winter, but only because of the snow. I hated how the cold moved in, and nipped at my nose and the tips of my ears as if it was softly biting me. I open my dark brown eyes again, and rocked back and forth slightly on my heels. Finally, Jason ran out of the huge double doors, carrying a couple books in his arms, and stopped next to me at the bottom of the school steps.

"Sheesh," I complained. "What took you so long? It's cold out 'ere!" Jason rolled his brown eyes at me, slightly smiling, showing me his white teeth, and the one front tooth he was missing. He held up his books for me to see.

"Sorry, Sky. I went and got some new books from the library!" he said, showing me the front covers of them, each with some sort of starry pattern on them.

"Ugh, shoulda known you went 'n' got some books about atrosomy!" I said, not exactly pronouncing the word right, but then again, I was only in the second grade. I had only heard the word a couple times from Jason himself, since he was so smart.

"Whatever! And it is pronounced 'astronomy', Sky." Jason said to me, and I rolled my eyes at him again, adjusting my backpack strap.

"Come on, let's go home!" I whined, and started walking. Jason trotted along beside me, hugging his books tightly against his torso. Jason and I always walked home from school, schol being close to both of our houses, and our houses weren't too far apart. I started up a small talk conversation, "Too bad Ty couldn't walk home with us." Ty was another friend of mine and Jason; we always hung out together whenever we could.

Jason nodded, "Yeah, but you know he has to ride the stupid bus home." Ty did not live anywhere close to us. To be totally honest, I don't think any of my friends nor I have even been over to Ty's house. He just told us he rode the bus home and we left it at that.

"Yeah, I know . ." I mumbled, always disappointed that he never really could. Ty had barely come over to any of our houses either. We kept walking, cutting across a small patch of grass to get to the sidewalk that led into the entrance of our neighborhood.

We kept walking until we got to Jason's house, and I waved goodbye at him, and walked home myself.

Do you ever get that feeling? That something is about to happen, but you don't know what that "something" is? A sense of déjà vu? It feels like you can't control anything. You want to be able to stop. You want to be able to control when you are about to go. But you aren't able to . . . That feeling washed over me like a wave upon the shore of a beach.

My breath hitches and my walk slowed. I looked at my surroundings, seeing the familiar sites I always saw walking to my house; but something was off. There was a house a couple away from mine, and I was coming close to it. Normally, there would always be that same 'for rent' sign in the front yard. Now, the sign was gone and there was a white van in the driveway. I stopped in front of the house before it, staring, gripping both my backpack straps.

I shut my eyes tightly as a sharp gust of wind whipped at my face, flinging my hair around. When I opened my eyes again, the door to the van opened. I grew scared as I watched two grown men, dressed in black uniforms get out, decorated with items that you would only wish to see in a movie. My heart beat fast and I started to quickly walk to my house, trying not to make eye contact with them, but before I even passed them the stepped in front of me, blocking me way. They spoke to me in low voices, taunting me. They acted so innocent, but I knew there was something not right. Every time I had tried to move past them, they pushed me back to where I was earlier.

"Wh-What do you want from m-me . . . ?" I stuttered.

They didn't speak as they took me by the arms and started taking me to their van. My eyes widened as I kicked and squirmed, trying to get out of there grip. It was no use. They had opened up the two doors to the back side of the van. One of them threw me in and came in with me, shutting the doors. The van stirred slightly and the other man got into the drivers seat.

The man in the back with me had tied me up by my wrist, and blindfolded me. I couldn't see but the next thing I knew, the van was moving and I had a gagged covering my mouth. I was so scared, and I could feel my heartbeat; it pounded in my chest like a drum.

[Word Count: 1025 Words]

((Sorry, I edited it slightly))

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