If Kaden wanted him as a boyfriend, he would have to deal with the hair.


"Should you even be driving?" Farren asked. "Didn't you get your license suspended?"

"Six month suspension, ended last week." Kaden said in reply, keeping his attention on the road as they exited the motorway.

"So, where exactly are we headed?" Farren asked as he turned down the radio.

"There's some new steakhouse opened a few towns away, down on the pier by Fortgrey beach that I thought we could check out." Kaden said, glancing over at Farren as he answered before focusing his attention back on the road.

"Fortgrey? That's quite a way out." Farren observed by way of answer.

"Well, I figured that if we got far away from Sinclair we could be openly together, even if it's just for the night." Kaden replied with a small smile, his tone forcefully light.

Farren almost missed the slight strained tone to Kaden's voice. He knew that if Kaden had his way they wouldn't be a secret. But he wasn't ready to come out, and he also knew Kaden respected that.

"Hey," Farren replied softly, placing a hand over Kaden's knee comfortingly. "We won't have to keep it secret forever, don't worry. I just need a little more time."

Kaden shot him a grateful smile. "I know, but thanks anyway. And hey, I don't mean to make you feel pressured to come out or anything. Take your time, after all it's you. You're worth the wait."

Farren felt his heart melt at those last few words, and it took all his willpower to stop himself from jumping on Kaden and kissing him right this second. But he resisted because he didn't exactly want to get in a car crash. He would die a disappointed man if he never got the chance to have a real date with Kaden.

Instead he settled for a grateful smile, turning his attention back on the road. "Softie," he joked in reply.

"I'm not a softie," Kaden said back.

"Oh trust me, I know you're not soft." Farren said with a smirk, pointedly looking down at Kaden's.. southern regions.

"Pervert." Snorted Kaden, hitting Farren lightly on the shoulder.

Farren smiled in reply, before closing his eyes and leaning his head against the car window. Kaden turned the radio up slightly, and hummed along with the song playing through the surround sound speakers in the car. The music was a pleasant backing track for Farren's thoughts.

Truth be told, he didn't know how much longer until he would be ready to come out with his and Kaden's relationship. It was different for Kaden, who didn't give a shit what people thought of him.

Farren wished he could be like that, but he simply couldn't bring himself to not care. He wished he was less insecure, it was stupid and he fully realised that, but he couldn't help it. Fear of bad reactions held him back. He hated it, but he couldn't seem to get over it.


Kaden found himself unable to focus on the menu in his hands. Instead, his eyes were glued to the boy who sat across from him. More specifically, the sight of Farren biting his lower lip as he scanned the menu with his eyes. Kaden sure wished he was the one biting Farren's lip.

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