They nod.

"I think we've finally perfected Chuck's dance"Hoshi says.

"Can I see it?"I ask and they nod.


They soon finish.

I clapped.

"That was amazing you guys!"I say smiling.

"We tried our best for you Noona"Chan said.

"Thank you guys,but you boys also should go shower if we are doing a lot of things today"I say.

"Okay Noona!"The boys say going to go change and freshen up.

I smile.

Today seems like a good day.


"Noona you're going to meet someone"Chan says.

I nod.

"Nice,I hope I like the person"I say.

"You will"Jeonghan says.

We walk into a family friendly restaurant.

"Table for Park Jiyeon"Seungkwan says.

"Oh yes,the table is ready"The woman said.

We follow her.

She sits us down at our table.

"So when am I going to meet this person?"I asked.

"They should be coming soon"Mingyu said.

Someone's phone rang.

I look around to see it was Vernon's.

"Hello?"He says.

"You're here!"Vernon says.

"Okay cool,S. Coups hyung will get you"Vernon says ending the call.

"Alright I'll be back"S. Coups says leaving.

Hm? I wonder who the person is.

We all talk till S. Coups walks back in.

I lean to my left to see someone behind him.

"So..."I ask.

"Park Jiyeon,I believe you remember this boy"S. Coups says moving over.

I see a boy who looks very young.

I see the necklace hanging from his neck.

A sixteen necklace.

"S-Samuel?!"I say shocked of who I was seeing.

"Yep!"He says with a smile.

I rush over and hug him tight.

"Aww! My little baby! You've grown so much!"I say.

"Noona I thought I was your baby"Chan said.

"But this is baby Samuel plus you're Jeonghan's baby"I say.

The boys laugh while Chan pouts.

"Happy birthday Noona!"Samuel says.

"Thank you Samuel"I say smiling.


~Third Person~

The whole day was filled with fun and games.

Jiyeon was very happy to see her baby Samuel once again.

They caught up a lot.

Samuel was talking about work while Jiyeon talked about the album.

Of course the boys (except Maknae line) were jealous of Samuel for spending the most time with Jiyeon.

However,They didn't show because they wanted Jiyeon to be happy.

"When will she start hanging out with us?"Jun says one part of the day.

"Now what are they talking about"Jihoon says another part of the day.

As time passed by the boys only complained more.

By the end of the night they had more fun.

Saying goodbye to Samuel was hard for them.

Especially Jiyeon but I'm the end Jiyeon's birthday was amazing!!!

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