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Finally a new chapter. I know, I'm terrible.

11:27 am

It had been another busy day so far. Everyone was counting food, water and supplies and calculating how many days worth of food they would have per person. They had found additional supplies in the back of the store, including additional water, which they were surprisingly low on. Lance and Hunk were applying what little science they knew to an effort of making household weapons. Lance had fashioned a sort of smoke bomb with windex and bleach. He had remembered from his mother's warning not to mix the two as a child, they combined and created a poisonous gas that would kill you in minutes. Of course it was equally effective on humans and infected, so it came in very handy. Keith and Coran had found a book of u.s maps by state, and were trying to look for weapon shops nearby that nobody else would have gotten to already. They figured if they were going to risk getting in a car and driving to a place with countless infected patients on their tail, and possibly hostile people too, that they would make sure to get something out of the trip. Allura had become disconnected from the rest of the group. She hardly talked to any of them, but she was still there. She spent most of her time worrying about her parents and where they were. The team had tried to comfort her, perhaps lift her spirits, but their efforts were useless. They left her to deal with it in her own, which she preferred.

Lance had gone elsewhere in the store just to get away from everything for a minute. They hardly had the chance for a break, they were so paranoid. But they were right in feeling that way because they were so fragile that one wrong move could cost the whole group their lives. They couldn't afford to waste time. Lance knew that, but he couldn't help needing to step away. He was only a teenager. Maybe he knew how to work, or how to survive high school and prepare for college, or how to cook and clean, but nothing could have possibly prepared him for this. He walked around the Walmart and eventually he came across a big glass door with an even bigger glass wall covering the surrounding area, he realized he was in the gardening section, and he immediately became very excited. He rushed into the room and the smell of moss quickly overtook his senses. He was so excited to see something other than his small group that was alive and well. He gazed at the plants as he walked through the aisles. He began to frown as he realized that most of these plants needed water, and with the lack of rain due to them being in a desert-like area, they wouldn't be able to survive. He needed these plants, and he also knew he couldn't keep all of them. He felt bad having to pick favorites, but it was better than nothing. He began to pick out plants and put them in a designated area. He picked plants he knew could survive without water for extended periods of time, just in case. When he was done, he had a plastic container of 11 small succulents. He put them by an area with decent sunlight. He smiled to himself.

Lance woke to a loud bang coming from another part of the department store. He got up, rubbing his head. He had fallen asleep next to the plants, and as he looked out past the clouded glass panes, he saw that the sun was beginning to set. He began to walk out of the glass room towards where the noise came from. He was cautious about it, stopping every so often to listen. He thought he heard people talking. He got closer and realized it was the group talking, but there was a voice he didn't recognize, and Keith's voice was filled with concern for the new person. He walked out towards the group and was met with a tall, well built man with oddly cut and colored hair and a prosthetic arm. He decided this must be Shiro, Keith's brother. He let out a sigh of relief. Shiro's arrival meant that their group would now be more organized. Shiro was a natural born leader, and he seemed like one too. Surely he would be able to get this group together so they could survive the apocalypse.

Shiro immediately proposed several ideas, proving himself worthy as a leader. His first statement was to have at least two emergency escape vehicles, in case they had to leave on the spot. His next idea was to gain weapons, and train everyone how to use them. Shiro had been in the army since he was 18, but left two years ago when he lost his arm on the job. He knew all about weapons and survival tactics so everyone felt safe with him as the head of operations. Lance had been dozing off through most of Shiro's long group meeting. He's sure it was motivating and smart, he just doesn't remember most of it. Shiro had apparently reached the end of his long speech.
"Any questions?" He asked.

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