Chapter 30 - Avalyn

Start from the beginning

“Ow! Fuck!” I yelled, a new round of pain twisting my core. My grip around Jacob’s hand tightened and I didn’t even think about how I might be crushing his bones.

“Oh, shit! There’s something wrong. What wrong, baby girl?” Jacob asked and I just continued panting.

“It hurts.” I whimpered, my eyes moistening. Jake looked at me through worried and frantic eyes as he wiped the sweat and tears from my face, his grip on my hand just as strong as mine on his.

“She’s fine, Jake. It’s a contraction. She’ll be fine just soothe her.” My mom said. “Record the first contraction.” She commanded to someone else in her authoritative medical tone.

“Ev, do you want me to deliver Avalyn or would you like someone else to?” My mom asked, her voice sweet and soothing as she took my free hand.

“You, mom.” I said, looking into her eyes. She nodded, smiling softly. I was so relieved that my mom could deliver my baby. At least I had that comforting normalcy of something familiar and loving through all of this hurt. I had two though, my mom and Jake.

“Then let’s deliver our baby.” My mom said, determined. I looked back from my mom to my boyfriend and found strength in their eyes. I nodded my head and smiled through the pain that was leaving. Temporarily, I bet.


I screamed an earsplitting scream as the pain crushed my pelvic area and took over every nerve in my body. I pushed and pushed and pushed. The sweat was drenching my body in thick layers and I was holding Jake’s hand with all the strength in me, holding on for dear life itself.

“Come on, Evelyn, push!” My mom commanded and I pushed even harder, my head feeling as if it would pop.

“Just a little more, baby. It’ll be over soon. I love you.” Jake soothed me, saying gentle words that calmed me down and caressed my ears. Oh, how I loved him!

I pushed even harder, letting out another scream and holding Jake’s hand while I gripped the bed sheets with the free one. I swear I felt it rip. 

Then suddenly it felt as if a huge weight was lifted off of me and I calmed down, breathing out quickly.

“She’s so beautiful, Ev.” Was all my mother said as I laid my head back down on the pillow and closed my eyes. Jacob wiped the sweat and moist hair away from my face and laid a soft swift kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes to see him looking into mine. He cupped my face.

“We made it, Ev. She’s here.” He said, love and happiness in his every feature. I smiled softly, tears in my eyes, and brought his head down so that I could feel his warm lips again. We pulled apart and I found shelter in his warm brown eyes.

“I love you.” I whispered, crying now.

“I love you too, angel.” Jake whispered and I saw his eyes water. They watered

“You’re crying!” I gushed, cupping his face.

“No, I’m not.” He opposed, smiling. 

“You are.” I contradicted and kissed him again, chuckling.

“Do you want to hold her?” My mother’s awed voice asked when she reappeared and Jake and I broke apart, looking at her and eyeing the little bundle in her arms. My heart melted inside of my chest. Of course I did! I nodded my head quickly and she chuckled, slowly giving me my child. My heart stopped when I held her in my arms and everything was gone, completely black, as I looked at her beautiful little face.

“She’s so perfect.” I whispered, tears falling down my face and Jacob’s arms were wrapped around me from one side, my mother on the other. I looked at them and they were both looking at my daughter and I, trying to decide who to watch. I caught Jacob’s eyes and he gave his brightest smile, kissing my temple and rubbing my back soothingly. My mom was crying and running her fingers through my matted hair.

Then Avalyn opened her eyes and I stared into the purest tone of sapphire blue, my world becoming blurry before I gasped aloud. Shocked. More tears went down my face as I looked into my baby’s eyes. They were blue, just like his but they were a pure, innocent blue. So beautiful and perfect and alive. My daughter’s eyes were nothing like that man’s malicious and hideous eyes and they would never be.

“Oh, no.” My mom gasped, broken, and Jacob’s hands on my back stopped moving. They thought I was going to break, to malfunction. But I was not.

“She’s beautiful.” I said, crying and smiling at the same time. I felt the atmosphere relax around me when they noticed I wasn’t dying inside. Jake continued caressing me and my mom chuckled, rubbing my arm. My fingers went to lightly touch her soft auburn hair, just like mine. 

“I love you.” I whispered to her and thought of Jacob.

“Jake, baby, do you want to hold her?” I asked, looking at him straight into his eyes that were full of awe and love. He nodded and held out his hands. I gave her to him.

“She’s so beautiful. Just like you.” Jake said, looking at our baby. So much love was welling up inside of me that the tears that went down my face were almost unnoticeable. My mom wiped them away as she looked into my eyes and wrapped me in a warm hug. 

“She’s perfect, Ev. She looks so much like you when you were born it’s almost unbelievable.” She gushed, smiling and laughing happily. I chuckled and held her hand.

“Does she?” I asked.

“Exactly like you.” My mom answered and kissed my forehead. “I’ll be right back.” She said and I nodded. 

My eyes immediately went to Jacob where he looked lovingly at our baby girl and my heart beat so fast in my chest as I looked at him, at both of them. I loved these people so much.

“How does your daughter feel in your arms, Jake?” I whispered, tears touching my eyes. Jake looked at me with glassy eyes and in those eyes I saw everything he was feeling, every emotion clear and visible.

“She feels like she belongs here.” He answered. “I love you both so much.” Jake added and I started to cry once again, tears of pure joy. He looked at me, panic in his eyes as he tried to do something but Avalyn refrained him from doing so. I shook my head, smiling, though the tears. 

“I’m fine, baby. Everything’s perfect.” I assured him, wiping my tears away. 

“Hold her, Ev.” Jake said, putting her in my arms and kneeling on the floor so he was close to both me and her.

Jake gently grabbed my face and turned it to kiss me deeply. 

“Than you. For letting me in.” He said to my mom and I saw her eyes soften, a smile on her lips. She came up to my boyfriend and hugged him tight.

“You’ll keep my girls safe and I know you’ll be a great father. Of course I let you in.” She said, smiling and Jake chuckled while I smiled in my bed, holding my baby.

“Mom, do you think you can hook me up with some pain medications?” I ask hopefully and Jake and my mom look over at me, laughing.

“Sure, baby. Just wait a bit.” I nodded. “We need to take the baby for a while, Ev but she’ll be back. Right, Betsy?” My mom asked Betsy who I hadn’t even known was here until now. She nodded, smiling, before taking my baby away. I immediately felt empty with the hollow off my curled arms. 

“It won’t be for long, angel.” Jake said, kissing the top of my head. I hadn’t noticed him walk over. Needing him, I scooted over on the bed, ignoring the pain. 

“Sit with me.” I said and he nodded, smiling. Jake wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest, sighing with happiness as sleep took over me.


Please VOTE! :D On the side is a pic of Avalyn! How cute! (:

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