That look however, disappeared nearly as quick as it had appeared, and left Liam feeling a desperate sense of untimely sorrow.
The sorrow that caused Liam to realise that it was the time for Mason to be told to the whole truth — even though he doesn't even know the truth for himself.

He licked his chapped lips, which released a stingy feeling, reminding him of where he incised small slits upon his lips, using only the power of chewing.
Chewing his lip, helped suppress the Liams anxiety and lull it into the back of his mind, where it remained, growing larger by each passing day.

"Mason." Liam spoke simply, but selflessly.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"How do you know if you like someone? How'd you know that you liked Corey, in that way?" He questioned.
"Well have you ever heard that saying, the one that goes like, I fell for you like I fall asleep. Slow and then all at once.
I'm pretty sure it's from the fault in our stars or something but anyways.Well, at first we were friends, and I liked it that way. I've realised now that I was slowly catching feelings for him, but then after everything happened, and him dying I knew that I didn't want to be without him." Mason shrugged.
"He makes me a better person, a happier person. That's why I love him and I want to be with him no matter what."

Liam listened carefully at the words being said, taking them in like a breath of fresh air.

"Okayyy" Liam replied, wearily.
Together the two lay, separated by only a small amount of distance.
A spark was alight in Masons eyes, something that Liam hadn't seen from him in a while.

"Why? Have you found yourself a Corey?" Mason asked, his mouth turning into a smile.
"Uhhh, not exactly" Liam replied, awkwardly yet clearly.
"It makes sense! That's who you were talking to last night!" Mason jumped up and sat on the end of his messy bed, facing towards Liam.
"Dude. It better not be Aubrey. She was heaps mad at you for ditching her, what please tell me it's not her" he spoke sourly, his smile no longer painted on his face.
Liam didn't blame Aubrey for being mad, hell he would be too if he were her. He didn't know how he'd explain to her that the only reason that he kissed her back, was because he needed something to distract him from his own self.

Throwing a pillow towards Mason Liam replied,
"No, no, no it's not her!"
"I'm not even sure if I like hi- them"

At this moment Liam was confronted with the truth that he had been hiding from himself. In hopes that if he suppresses them enough, then they'd disappear as if they had never existed.
But that is not how feelings work, feelings are much more permanent and complex when connected to that of love.

Liam sat contemplating whether or not he should discuss what has been happening with Theo, even though that it may just be nothing.
Weighing the pros and cons he decided to keep it to himself, brining Mason into the situation would only make it seems more realistic than it actually is.

The boys no longer felt the tiredness of a early morning, but new born energy of a new day.
They began talking, talking like best friends as if nothing had even happened between them.
The discussed friendly things such as lacrosse, school and their newfound hunger.

Together the boys sat at a small wooden dining table, surrounded by the welcoming scent of syrup and pancakes. Liam felt a sense of home that he hadn't felt since he became lonely and depressed, a feeling that he didn't want to loose again.

"I'm going to start talking to a therapist, or a psychologist, whoever will help me." Liam spoke, looking towards Mason, who had half his mouth full of pancakes.
Masons soul was almost too pure for Liam to even be around, he lost his innocence the day that he was bitten.

Mason swallowed and cleared his throat before replying, "Okay, that's good that's a start"
Liam smirked, hiding the fact that since he's accepted his mental state, he has been feeling quite belittled.
'How can someone as unstable as Liam be given the responsibility of keeping Beacon Hills safe' he thought to himself constantly.

The day carried on, leaving Liam feeling like a normal teenager.
He spent the day with his best friend, doing normal things such as playing, and winning, video games, sharing thoughts and opinions about normal things that normal people spoke about.
For once, he didn't feel so monstrous.

That hint of hope Liam that had disappeared quickly when Mason had received a phone call from Corey regarding Nathan, who was bitten during the attack at the party.
He died at the hospital after his body had several sever reactions to the bite, the bite of the alpha.
Although Nathan's body didn't accept the night someone else's did.

I accidentally published this before I was even halfway done fuckkkkkkkkk.
But idk this is kinda cute but poorly written. I hope you enjoyedddd..
Don't forget to vote if you liked it :)))
Ohhhh if you want go follow my insta
@ siredtothiam
I've 100% made heaps of mistakes so PLSS correct me!!

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