Chapter One

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As usual I was at my baby moms house spending time with my baby girl. Harlem. "Daddy." She called out softly. "Yes baby girl."


I turned around to see her mom stepping out her bedroom dressed in nothing but one of my old t-shirts

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I turned around to see her mom stepping out her bedroom dressed in nothing but one of my old t-shirts.

"What are you doing in my house?" Nicki asked. "Leaving doors unlocked and shit anybody could of walked up in here. I warned you already about checking that they're locked properly." I complained.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Are you gonna take her?" She asked gesturing to Harlem. I shook my head no and followed her into her kitchen. "I'm working later."

"You want something to eat?" I nodded, she took out some eggs and bacon then looked over at me holding Harlem. "You know she can walk right."

"And?" I replied, she sucked her teeth and started making breakfast. "You're carrying her around like her legs don't work." She mumbled. "Hush this my baby girl I can carry her around as much as I like.Where's Bronx?" I asked referring to her son.

"Probably sleep." She shrugged. I shook my head. "What?"

"You don't even know where your kid at." I said. "I just said he sleep." She argued. "You know what, I don't even care he's not my son." I told her. "Exactly so mind your business." Just then I put Harlem down and went to go use the bathroom.

I walked into her bathroom and clenched my jaw angrily when I saw used needles besides the sink. I grabbed it angrily.

"You're using drugs around my daughter!" I yelled showing Nicki the needle. She sucked her teeth at me. "You don't have to shout."

"Yes I do! You got needles lying around that my daughter could easily reach."

"Sorry I forgot." She apologised. "Why you still using anyway? I thought you was staying clean."

"I am! I'm trying Dave." She lied and I knew she was lying because she acted like a completely different person when she was clean. "We'll try harder! I told you already if you're not off that shit by next month in taking Harlem."

"I'm serious Nicki." I warned. "I know you are."

"I gotta go...Harlem." She walked over to me holding her arms up for me to pick her up. "See you later princess." She giggled and grabbed my face. "Bye bye daddy."

I walked to the front door carrying Harlem, then handed her over to Nicki. "Bye, love you D." She said. I gave her a head nod and turned to walk away until she grabbed my arm. "You're not gonna say it back?"

"No. I'm mad at you right now."

"So that means you don't love me no more?" She asked with a smirk, knowing that no matter what she did I was always gonna love her.

Just then her neighbours apartment door opened followed by the sound of loud laughing and music. "Wassup Nic." Her neighbours 16 year old son Justin winked. It was no secret he had a little school boy crush on her and her standing here half naked wasn't helping.

"Hey Justin. How's your mom?"

"Good." He replied. "Tell her I said hi-" I cut her off and pushed her back inside. "Get back in the house."

"Not until you say you love me." I sighed, she was so stubborn. "Your foods in there burning." I told her. "I don't care."

"I love you, okay happy now?" I finally said, she nodded with a smile. "Very."


Five minutes after Dave left someone knocked on the door hard. I figured it was Dave and he forgot something so I opened the door without looking through the peep hole. "You forget somethin-" I cut myself off when I saw who it was.

Without saying anything he pushed past me and headed straight for my couch.

"Fix me something to eat I'm hungry." He said as he sat down. I rolled my eyes and looked down at Harlem who was clutching onto my legs. For some reason she always got shy whenever he came around although he'd been in her life since she was born. "Harlem, baby. Go watch your cartoons." I picked her up and sat her on the couch next to him.

"Nic!" I heard him call out as I got started on making him something to eat. "What?" "Hurry up!" I rolled my eyes and continued cooking.

Once I was finally done, I walked out with his plate ready. I sighed when I saw him getting ready to light up his blunt.

 I sighed when I saw him getting ready to light up his blunt

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"You can't light that." I said. He frowned and looked at me like I was stupid. "What?" He asked.

"You can't light that in here... Dave don't want nobody smoking around her no more." I told him but as usual he ignored me. "Well Dave ain't here."

I shook my head and sat down pulling Harlem on to my lap. "You want me to go get Bronx?" I asked.

"Nah you're good." He mumbled. I shook my head. It was always the same with him, he'd come here for whatever he wanted then leave without any interest in seeing his own son.

"The fuck you staring at me for?" He asked angrily. "Nothing." I stood up with Harlem on my hip and went to my room.


Please excuse any errors 🌹

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