Chapter 20 (Part 1)

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Luke insisted that I go home after an attempt to cure the aching in my head and body with a couple Advil's that failed to work this time. I had missed school this entire week, just lying in bed realizing what a pathetic life I lived. I don't plan on going back either. What is High School doing for me other than wasting 7 hours of my life which I will never get back each day? Never mind the lovely things those idiots who attend have to say about me and my mother and father. I don't even want to hear what they are saying now, nor does it even matter to me anyways. I take a deep breath and open the door to my house after Luke had dropped me off. After that surprise kiss this morning, it completely left my mind to ask him what we were, and if the fake girlfriend shit could end already. This was just a waste of both our time, this... thing we were doing. Getting drunk and kissing each other. And apparently post drunk kissing seemed to be our specialty as well. Luke Hemmings is not known for keeping girls longer than a week. And I'm sure the girls at our school have a target on my back and are ready to shoot because he's 'been with me' for longer than his past girls.

"Riley, Where the hell were you all night?!" My mother asks as soon as I step foot into the house. I take a deep breath and let it out. The last thing I want is her yelling at me right now.

"You could have just fucking called me." I say, walking past her.

I could see her expression change after giving a good look at me. "1; Watch your language, I am tired of it. 2; What are you wearing? Those are not your clothes. And 3; I did call you, and some guy named Nash picked up... You have some explaining to do." She says and crossed her arms in attempt to intimidate me.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "They are Luke's clothes, and Oh well, Nash had my phone." I shrug, "Big whoop."

Her eyebrows crunch together. "Luke's?" She repeats. "And why do you have Lukes clothes on? Where were you?" She questions.

"God, I didn't know I signed up to play 20 questions mother." I say, annoyed that she kept asking all these questions.

"Don't give me that attitude." She retorts. "Answer my questions." She says sternly.

"Wow mom, you really are a shoe in for mother of the year! And an Oscar, I may add. You're really good at acting like you actually give a shit about me." I say. And I can tell by what I had said, that only made her angrier. "I was at a party, Luke picked me up and I slept in his clothes. Are you happy?" I answer.

"No, I'm not happy." She says. "Look at yourself in the mirror Riley, You look like a mess. You look like you haven't slept in weeks; god knows what you did last night." She shakes her head. Are you fucking kidding me? Well of course I look like shit. I haven't slept all week, my fucking father died if she hasn't noticed. "Go get dressed.. The funeral is in an hour." She tells me and turns to walk into the kitchen. Wait. What? No, No, It's not today. Fuck no.

"What?" I say, following her.

"You're father's funeral is today. I finalized it last night, you knew that. Now go get dresses, We don't have all day. I bought you a dress that you can wear, it's on your bed-"

"Fuck no!"

"Riley." She sighs and puts her hand on her forehead. "Please stop with the cursing, not today... Just go get dressed; we need to get there early." She says, pulling out some leftovers from the fridge.

I groan and turn around, walking up the stairs and to my room. My mother must be a comedian too if she thinks I'm wearing the dress she has set out for me. I'm not going. I'm not going to stand there, watching people put my father into the ground and be surrounded by people I don't even know who are pretending they care.

"Riley!" I hear my mother call from downstairs.

"What do you want from my life!?" I call back and walk downstairs to see Nash at the door.

"You have 5 minutes, I mean it." She says and walks back into the kitchen.

I roll my eyes at her and lean on the doorframe. "Hey, Nash." I say and sigh. "What's up?"

"I came to return your phone." He says, holding it out to me and I take it. "I kind of forgot that I had it." He chuckles.

"Thanks." I say and nod. "Oh, and you owe me 20 bucks... Luke does not have a normal shirt." I say and smile gently.

Nash laughs and pulls out his wallet, handing me 20 bucks. "There you go." He says and I gladly take the money. He scans over my body while putting his wallet back into the back pocket of his blue jeans. "Are you wearing his clothes?" He asks with one eyebrow raised and a smirk on his lips.

"Yeah, I kind of crashed at his place... Thanks for calling him I guess." I shrug.

"No problem." He says. "Okay, well I'm gonna head back, text me later?" He says.

"Yeah." I answer and close the door when he heads back into his car. My phone buzzes as soon as I get back to my room and I read the text.

"Hey, Why is my mom getting dressed for your father's funeral?" Luke asked.

"Because It's today." I send back.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't even know myself. My mother decided to tell me right now." I answer.

"Are you going to go?" He asks.

"No. I don't want to." I send. "Not with all those fake ass people there. He deserves more respect than that. Are you going with your mom?" I ask.

"Maybe... If you go, I will." He sends. I sigh softly. It would be wrong of me not to go... but it's my father's funeral. A confirmation that he is gone. He is really gone and there is no going back, and I don't know if I'm ready to see that... Not alone anyway.

"Fine." I send back. "Be here in 20." I add and toss my phone on my bed, pulling on some black jeans and a black sweater, slipping my feet into my shoes and running a brush over my hair. I walk into the bathroom and wash off all the makeup left on my face from the shower I was given last night and apply a fresh coat.

After I finished getting ready and I tossed the hidious dress that my mother had left out for me in the trash, I hear the doorbell ring and I run down to get it.

"Ready?" Luke says as he leaned on the door, black jeans and a black t-shirt on with a Vans logo of course.

"I can't believe your making me do this..." I sigh and cross my arms.

"I'm not making you do anything, princess." He says. "Now I would like it if you would hurry because my car is losing gas as we speak, and gas isn't cheap these days.." He says.

"Where's your mom?" I ask, ignoring the nickname that seemed to not really bother me anymore.

"She's buying flowers, she should be at the cemetery in like 10 minutes maybe." He shrugs. "Shouldn't you tell your mom that you're leaving with me?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I'm going aren't I? She should be glad that I agreed to that, now c'mon..." I say, Walking out the door and closing it behind me. "Let's just get this thing over with."

(I'm soooooo sorry for the wait you guys, School has been stressing me out and I can't wait until its all over. Part 2 of this chapter should be up in a few days if all goes well. Thank you all for the support as I am almost at 4k!! I love you all, keep on commenting and voting! Also, this chapter is split into two because I though it would be wayy too long and I would take up a lot more time than I already have in order to write it. Plus, this is a big part and important things will happen in the next chapter :3 So stay tuned!! <3 xx) (P.S. The song for this chapter is Hotel Ceiling by Rixton! I love that song soo much and it was great at giving me insperation!)

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