Chapter 25

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I must have sat in the car in Luke's driveway for about 20 minutes before I actually opened up the door and stepped out.

I walk up to his front door and knock on it, waiting about a minute until Luke unlocked the door and opened it up. "Oh, hey." He says and smiles. "I didn't think you would be back so soon." He chuckles. "Thought you'd text me tomorrow or something." He finishes.

I push past him and into his house, turning back around to face him. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me?" I ask him flat out. I must have repeated that one line to myself in the car a million times.

His mouth opens to speak but he closes it as he turns his head to his living room and that's when I notice his friend sitting on his sofa, looking back and fourth to us in disbelief. "Woah." Ashton says.

"This is intense." Michael says, setting the game controller down and turning his full attention to us.

"Well?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. "Just tell me, I don't care if you didn't.. It's just been driving me insane Luke.." I say and he takes my arm.

"Let's talk in my room, yeah?" He says to me and I sigh but nod, walking up there with him for a bit of privacy from his friends I suppose.

"What, now you don't want your friends to see us together?" I say annoyed.

"Not the real us.." He says and shakes his head, changing the topic. "Look, Riley.. I didn't even realize I said...what I said.."

I feel a slight ping in my chest, not a very good feeling. I guess Luke noticed the slight look of disappointment in my face because he soon spoke up again.

"Wait, fuck, no.. I didn't mean it like that." He says and sighs. "Look, I do think...that I love you.. I guess it just slipped out, I don't know.. But I didn't mean to say it like that, so suddenly."

I shake my head, "There's no way you love me.. Luke.. We barely know each other.." I say softly.

He shakes his head "Bullshit. I know you better than anyone." He says. "Riley, you're special to me.. I've never loved anyone, I think I would know what this new feeling is that I have for you." He says stepping closer to me. "Last night.." He continues and takes my hand, brushing his thumb along the back of my cold hands. "Last night.. Really amplified the feelings I had for you.. A shit ton actually. You're different than all the other girls I've been with.. I've told you this.." He says softly. "I care about you.. I'd like to think that I've helped you through some problems in your life.. And, I want to continue to be there.. To help you.. And to be the person in your life that you want to truly love you. I can be that guy if you let me, Riley." He adds gently, stepping slightly closer. "Will you let me?" He says gently.

I could feel my heart beat gradually speeding up like it had last night. What was this boy doing to me? He looked into my eyes, patiently waiting for an answer. Surprisingly, I chose to believe him. He loved me.. even if it's just a little bit.. He did. I nod, "I'll let you." I agree, my voice soft.

He smiles softly before closing the small space between us, pressing his lips against mine, kissing me deeply. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer. Kissing me more passionately, as if he meant every emotion in in the kiss, which I believe he did.

Eventually, Luke breaks away to take off my jacket, and I pull off his shirt. He walks over to the door and locks it, chuckling softly. "Wouldn't want any of them to come wandering in." He chuckles.

I giggle, "Good thinking." I smile, kicking off my shoes.

He walks over to me and pulls off my top as well. "God, you're so beautiful.." He mumbles, leaving little kisses along my jaw before reaching my lips and kissing me again. "I love you." He says gently, against my lips. I feel quite bad that I can't say it back.. Not yet at least, but Luke soon reassures me. "It's okay princess, I'll wait." He says softly and smiles gently. I nod and smile back softly, pressing my lips back to his as things only escalated from there.

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