Author's Note

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I know it's bad to start with an author's note, but here it goes.

First, thank you if you're reading this. I will update a few times a week or as often as I can.

Second, if you read my other stories, I'm so sorry that they got deleted. I was sooo upset. Anyways, I put a 27 character word password onto my phone and laptop so no one will figure it out any time soon.

Last, it will be in Aqua's POV the entire story. By the way, I am so sorry if these chapters are short.


Okay, this next part is added on 5-27-15.

I started writing this book a year ago. Now looking back, I realized the plot and just the whole story is a bit cheesy and a little unrealistic. You have been warned. I was really stupid and young when I wrote this and I really need to edit this soon. Please forgive me.

Now, onto the story!

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