13. Mireille's shenanigans

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to inspiredwriter3456
They've been really kind and supportive and made me want to update ❤️

Go read their book!

Also, I would like to thank all you awesome readers so much! You're comments and votes and support make me so happy and ahhhhh I love yous all imma cry cause yous are too nice.

Adrien had a good time with Marinette walking around the shopping centre. She seemed to have loosened up a lot around him which was a plus.

They currently had stopped at a pet shop to coo at all the adorable kittens and puppies.

"I love cats so much!" Adrien's eyes lit up as he placed his hands on the glass cage. He resembled a little kid very much at the moment.

Marinette giggled. The black and white kittens were truly small. But they reminded her of her soulmate. He had loved cats too.

She sighed and turned away to look at the puppies. In attempt to pull herself together she took a deep breath.

Adrien caught on her distress and put his hand on her back.

"Are you okay, Marinette?" He was right beside her, and Marinette couldn't deny she loved his company and touch.
But it wasn't hers to love. She turned away from him and nodded.

Adrien pursed his lips, wondering what to do or say. Just as things seemed good between them, he somehow managed to stuff it up.

She stood in front of the puppy cage, her eyes on the puppies tackling each other but not exactly seeing. She seemed lost in her own thoughts.

"Adrien, you never told me what your soul-" Marinette chocked up on her words.
"Soulmate connection with Mireille was."

Adrien was a little taken aback by Marinette's tone. She sounded really upset with a hint of...of jealousy?

Maybe she was jealous that Mireille stole his attention away so they couldn't hang out? Who knows. Girls are weird.

"Well. I don't like telling people this, but I feel like I can trust you." Adrien smiled warmly at Marinette.

Marinette's heart fluttered as she made eye contact with the blonde-haired boy.

No. She had to get her mind off him. Accept he has a soulmate of his own.

"Well it's kind of hard to explain, but my soulmate and I-" Adrien got cut off by a squeal.

Mireille who came out of nowhere, somehow tripped and her drink that was in her hand splashed all over Marinette's shirt.

Mireilles eyes widened and her hand covered her mouth.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry Marinette. I'm so clumsy and-"

Marinette blinked away her tears and took deep breaths to try and stop herself from crying.
"I-it's okay Mireille." Marinette muttered as she pulled her wet, sticky, white shirt off her stomach.

God dammit. White was see through when wet.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Marinette wrapped her arms across her chest and sprinted away to the bathroom, tears spilling from her eyes.

She just wanted Chat Noir.

Adrien's jaw dropped and he stood silent and stiff.
Mireille had started to cry and mutter 'it's all my fault' over and over.

He placed his hands on hers and looked her in the eyes.
"It's okay, my lady. I know you didn't mean it."

But Mireille just shook her head and let go of one of his hands to rub her eyes.
"No! She probably hates me now! God I'm such a horrible person. And you guys seemed deep in a serious conversation too. I'm so so so sorry Adrien."

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