11. Adrien falls in love with an imposter

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Ahh book title ideas for this book? I originally planned to eventually change it from this one which is uh *quickly checks* Only in our dreams, which is why I haven't created an offical cover yet but I think it's about time. But I suck at coming up with names and yeah. I'm in dire need of help.

So please comment some suggestions or ideas :)))
Thank youuuuu <3

Oh and thank you for sticking around this long!

"What?! Adrien's coming over?!"

Chloe was casually walking through the local park on a Wednesday afternoon because she heard some celebrity had been spotted there.
However, the park was pretty tranquil and it seemed no VIP was present.

"Ugh. Wonderful. I ruined my designer shoes all for nothing." Chloe muttered to herself. It was when she was heading back home she overheard something that grabbed her attention.

She quickly hid behind a tree as she spied on two classmates she despised very much.

Marinette was anxiously pacing in front of a wooden bench which Alya was sitting on eating an apple.

"Yes. Nino said Adrien wanted to figure out who his soulmate is. You never know, it might be you!" Alya grinned at her best friend.

Marinette continued to pace, lost in her thoughts.

"Hey, Marinette. You've never mentioned your soulmate before. What's your link?" Alya asked.

"It's because she has no soulmate." Chloe laughed quietly to herself. She was about to get up and leave when Marinette said something that grabbed her interest yet again.

"I'm able to interact with my soulmate in my dreams. But once we meet in real life, the dreams stop."

As Alya began sprouting questions, Chloe realised this link was exactly the same as Adrien's.


It couldn't be..

That mystery girl Adrien hasn't shut up his whole life about, had been Marinette this whole time?

This annoying girl who showed Chloe's weakness in front of the whole class. Who made Chloe feel vulnerable. Weaker than everyone else in the class.

This stupid girl who took the boy who was meant to be Chloe's soulmate. No one understands how hard it is to hear your crush go on and on about some random girl he meets in his dreams.

Chloe was so jealous of this mystery girl. She wished she could be able to experience what the girl and Adrien experienced.

And after all this time it had been Marinette.

Chloe pulled up her right sleeve and glanced at her soulmate tattoo which was situated just bellow her palm on her wrist. A snowflake. Just her luck she was stuck with some lame link.

Anyway, she was drifting from the point. Adrien and Marinette can NOT figure out that they are soulmates.

It will ruin Chloe's life forever. A constant reminder of what could of been, but isn't.


Saturday morning came around and Chloe was already up to step 2 of her plan to stop Adrien and Marinette getting together.

Officially known as, Plan to Ruin Adrienette. Or if you'd like to shorten it further, it was PRA.

A girl with short blue hair and brown eyes walked into Chloe's room with Chloe's butler.

Capricious Dreams (Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now