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They go from sitting next to each other to Jungkook wrapping his arms around Jimin, Jimin's back against his chest in a matter of minutes. Jimin doesn't question how it happens, and he's content enough to snuggle up into him, curling his fingers around one of Jungkook's fingers. He likes the way he fits against Jungkook, like how two complementary pieces of a puzzle fit with each other, likes how secure he feels in Jungkook's warm arms.

Jimin could live like this forever, honestly.

Jungkook reacts animatedly to the movie, gasping softly or making soft 'pshhh' noises under his breath whenever Iron Man lands a punch on the bad guy and Jimin finds it endearing as hell. He even attempts to tilt his head up a couple of times throughout the movie, peeking at Jungkook's face.

Jimin never seems to be able to get enough of the way Jungkook's eyes sparkle even in the dim light, and he just keeps staring until Jungkook mutters something about Jimin's hair tickling his neck and tilts Jimin's head back to face the screen.

The movie comes to an end sooner than later, and Jimin climbs out of Jungkook's embrace for a quick trip to the toilet. When he comes back, Jungkook's sprawled with his back on the sofa, scrolling through his social media feed mindlessly. Jimin doesn't know what compels him to do so, but he climbs into Jungkook's lap, whining for Jungkook to show him some attention.

He doesn't miss the way Jungkook's eyes light up and the way his face flushes red simultaneously.


"I'm bored," Jimin says, a sly smile creeping onto his face.

He hooks his hands behind Jungkook's neck and leans in for a kiss. It's a chaste peck at first, but as Jimin pulls away, Jungkook's arms around his back tighten as he chases Jimin's lips, pulling him in and the kiss turns desperate, fast.

The living room's clouded with their combined scents and Jimin's heady with arousal as he takes a deep breath, nose full of the alpha's intoxicating scent. Jungkook's mouthing at his neck now and Jimin sliding his hands beneath Jungkook's shirt, palming at his muscled torso when the sound of voices outside the main door abruptly catches both their attentions.

They pull apart immediately and Jimin's eyes meet Jungkook's equally wide ones and only a brief moment passes before they're peeling themselves off of each other, rushing to adjust their appearances.

A few moments later, the door bursts open and then a bunch of fresh new scents fill the room. Jimin looks and he manages to spot Yoongi's bleached hair among the varying colors of purple, pink and black.

The talking and giggling abruptly comes to a halt as all four of the intruders get a whiff of Jimin and Jungkook's combined scents in the room, and Jimin feels Jungkook stiffen next to him. He blindly searches for Jungkook's hand and holds onto it.

Jungkook relaxes.

Yoongi's the first the speak up.

"Why does my flat smell like sex?"

With Jungkook's larger form covering him, they can't possibly see Jimin, so Jimin has to stand up, with an awkward smile etched on his face and a hand in the air.

"Hi, Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi doesn't seem surprised in the least, as compared to his friends, who mutter between themselves. Jimin manages to pick out Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok.

"Oh its you," Yoongi notes as he shuffles into the room, with the other three followed close behind, "Taehyung did mention that you two were seeing each other, congratulations."

"Thanks hyung," Jimin says, with Jungkook piping up a second later, his face pulled into a wide smile.

"Jungkook finally found a boyfriend? Our Jungkookie??" Seokjin squawks a little belatedly and Jungkook scowls, throwing a well-aimed pillow at his head.


"Stop it, you're embarrassing the kid," Namjoon nags, shooting Jungkook an affectionate smile.

"Yeah hyung. Stop being embarrassing," Jungkook places special emphasis on the last word and Seokjin's face instantly turns red, looking ready to combust any moment now.

"Wah look at this kid, seriously," He's sputtering now, "I raised him for two years and he treats me like this? Unbelievable!"

Jimin finds the exchange between the alpha and the older omega extremely entertaining.

"Quit arguing you two," Hoseok sighs, "Jimim and Jungkook, do you wanna join us? We're getting beer and ordering fried chicken. Or do you two wanna continue..."

The beta does an awkward gesture of putting his index finger between the hole the fingers of his other hand make and chuckles awkwardly.

Namjoon and Yoongi both snort.


"Um thanks for the offer, Hoseok hyung, but I have a 8am lecture tomorrow, so I can't stay for too long," Jimin says, getting up from the small couch, with Jungkook following close behind.

"Oh that's a pity," Namjoon hums and Jimin shoots him a apologetic smile, not forgetting to wave goodbye to rest as he pulls his shoes on.

The door closes behind Jimin and Jungkook once they're out in the empty hallway.

"Hey," Jimin speaks up first, "You don't have to walk me back, you have classes early tomorrow too, right?"

Jungkook pouts, "But I want to-"

"Stay here pup," Jimin says sternly, reaching forward to ruffle the alpha's hair in a fond manner, "Listen to me."

"I'm not a pup, Jimin," Jungkook deadpans and Jimin giggles.

"But can I at least... scent you?" Jungkook says, the last part of the sentence dropping to a whisper. He seems shy almost.

Jimin smiles.

"Only if I get to do that too."

Jungkook nods eagerly before shuffling forward, closing the distance between he and Jimin. Jimin's breath hitches as he bends down to nuzzle at Jimin's neck, where his scent gland is located. He swears that Jungkook scrapes his teeth lightly over the gland, god knows if its by accident or not.

He does the same to Jungkook, and by the time he pulls back, Jungkook's beaming, reeking of Jimin and Jimin's smiling too, happy to be smelling like his- sorry, the alpha.

They walk to the lift lobby, fingers threaded around each other's and Jimin turns around to give Jungkook a huge hug, pressing their bodies together. The lift dings as it arrives and just before Jimin steps into the awaiting lift, Jungkook presses a sweet kiss into his plump lips.

"Stay safe, I'll call you later," Jungkook says.

Jimin nods, eyes twinkling as the lift doors close shut.


A/N: guys!! should i write smut? comment to let me know!

also /shameless self promo/

check out my fic on ao3!! (my user is jimjamgguk). it's called When You Look Here and it's a jikook college au fic!!

also did i mention that it's 75%smut

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