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'Okay, if you're going to take a shot at me, first make sure Bobbi is out of harm's way,' Roberto spits at him, his face flushes. His body tenses with anger as he shoves Nicholas' hands off the collar of his jacket, his eyebrows pull down together, teeth grinding against each other.

Instantly, Nicholas knocks Roberto back into the lockers again, the sound of the lockers slamming echoes throughout the halls. Some curious eyes look back at them. His face burns red with rage, his brown eyes dark as he glares at him. Holds Roberto against the lockers the way he did to him. 'Like you really care?' he snarls, glowering at him.

Roberto's level of anger hits the next level, to an all-consuming anger as his nostrils flare, shoulders tense, his pale grey eyes turn dark and narrow into slits, and his hands ball up -knuckles white- as he throws a punch to Nick's stomach. Nicholas hunches forward and he isn't quick enough to act when Roberto takes him by the collar of his shirt and pulls him forward, slamming him into the lockers.

'Roberto!' Bobbi screams in shock, jumping back from the fight.

Her voice is blurred out, their attention on each other and nothing else as Roberto goes in for a punch but Nicholas blocks him, tackling him as Roberto takes a blow to the stomach. Nick treats him as one of his opponents on the field as he rams him across the hall, students hop out of the way, and into the other set of lockers. Roberto's face contorts in discomfort, and Bobbi rushes to them to stop it all when Nicholas raises his balled up hand to punch him and-

'There! That's where the fight is!' a guy shouts over the noises of other students.

Nick, breathing heavily, brings his hand down, interrupted. Acts as though he hasn't been in the fight, his arm swinging over Bobbi's shoulder, but she pushes him away from her, appalled at him. At both of them. The two of them recover as Mr Dixon marches over to them, ushering students to move along to class. Bobbi stands between the boys so they won't try attack each other again. Eyes Roberto, worried about him as he squeezes his eyes shut and rubs his back. Her heart goes out to him as she puts a hand on his arm, comforting him. A tear even wants to escape but she pulls herself together, telling herself he's not injured... hopefully.

Nicholas looks away from this, folding his arms as he purses his lips in frustration.

'Detention! All three of you!' His voice booms through the halls. Wipes his face, sick and tired of teenage drama.

'Wha- me!?' Bobbi bursts out incredulously. A hand on her chest, her lips part in shock. She never had detention in her life! She's good! 'I didn't do anything!' she shouts, unable to control the level of her voice, that upset about it, as she tries to reason with him.

'You're talking back and that's enough for it! And you're involved! They were probably fighting over you,' he points at the boys, his words slurring together from frustration at them, 'get over it!'

'I'm not fighting over her. I'm done fighting for her.' Nicholas mumbles, his eyes avoiding everyone, staring at the cream tiled floor.

The three of them look at him.

'I'm not fighting over her.' Roberto puts his hand on Bobbi's shoulder. 'No offence, Bobbi. I just can't stand him and I was helping you get away from him.'

Mr Dixon widens his eyes at Roberto. 'I,' he stares at Bobbi, 'don't,' he stares at Nicholas, 'care.' He takes a deep breath. 'Detention, all three of you, after school in room 207. Now get to class.' They are his last words as he stalks off and around the corner.

Bobbi frowns, Nick huffs, and Roberto rolls his eyes and shrugs his shoulders, unbothered.

Lunchtime rolls over, and in the canteen Bobbi spots Roberto out from the tables upon tables of students alone in the corner. She turns around to Jamelia as they step out of the line, giving her a half-frown.

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