"Elliot!" She ran and gave me a hug. We held on tightly, tears wetting my eyes because I was just now realizing how much I missed my older sister. She's always been able to guide me through my problems as a kid, being the voice of reason that I always needed, and these past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of crazy shit I couldn't fully wrap my head around. The world made a lot more sense now that my sister was here.

We're four years apart and for all of high school, I've had to adapt to practically being an only child when she was back at college. She was graduating this year and finally returning to New York after being away at the University of Chicago. 

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked, finally detaching myself from her. "I thought you were coming back next week?"

"My schedule opened up a bit so I decided to surprise you and come back early!"

"Thank you, I was getting so bored," I sighed into her shoulder, not wanting to release her. 

I spent the rest of my Sunday night curled up in my sister's bed as she recounted all of the new tales she's acquired while being away. She mentioned that she finally broke up with her boyfriend of a year, Jason, who was only holding her back, as she claimed, and was ready to pursue guys who were more up to her standards. She let me in on a little secret that she actually has been back in New York since Friday night, but stayed with Aunt Clarissa so that she could get drunk in the City with some friends, without feeling bad about not seeing Mom and Dad right away. I gasped, choking on my laughter because I had done something similar this weekend. To think that I could have possibly run into my sister whilst I was out with Bev and Jace. 

The next morning Olivia drove me to school since she wanted the car to run some errands, and it felt like our routine four years ago when she would drive me every day. It felt very nostalgic, but I was glad to still be able to experience it. 

At school, it felt completely mundane for me to walk the halls and go to class as if my outlook on life wasn't completely different. After everything that I experienced over the weekend, sitting in my English class was going to feel like watching bark slowly peel off of a tree—unappealing. 

Cami burst into my circle of space with Dave trailing behind her, fuming with her jaw clenched shut. She closed my locker door for me and stood with her arms crossed. 

"What the hell were you doing in Manhattan the other day and what happened to you that you wanted to come home?" she said through clenched teeth. "And don't give me any more of that vague bullshit that you texted me yesterday. I want details!"

"It was nothing, I was drunk and overwhelmed by life and wanted to come home without my parents knowing. I would tell you more if there was more to tell."

"Who were you even with? No offense, but you don't exactly have an array of friends you get shitfaced on the weekends with."

"My sister came home on Friday so I went down to hang out with her and Aunt Clarissa without my parents knowing so that they wouldn't come and not make it fun anymore."

"Oh, why didn't you just say Olivia was home? That makes a lot more sense," she huffed, easing up her composure to be more welcoming. "I thought you were with a boy or something so I was worried sick."

"Sorry, I should have told you more details."

"Well, now that that is over with, I say we refocus our energies on discovering Jace's secret. After you got super drunk at his party, he gave me weird vibes, but I didn't get a chance to investigate because I blacked out drunk. It's crazy how little I remember. How were you by the way? I didn't want to leave you there, but he convinced me you would be more than fine."

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