Crystal Therapy

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Making a Crystal Remedy

All you need to make a crystal remedy is the appropriate crystal, which has been cleansed and purified, one or two clean glass bowls, spring water and a suitable bottle in which to keep it (colored glass is preferable to clear as it preserves the vibrations better.)  

Remedies can be made by the direct or indirect method.  Spring water should be used rather than tap water that has chlorine, fluoride and aluminum added to it.  Water from a spring with healing properties particularly effective.

Direct Method:

Place enough spring water in a glass bowl to cover the crystal.  Stand the bowl in sunlight for several hours.  (If the bowl is left outside, cover with a glass lid or cling wrap to prevent insects falling into it.)  If appropriate, the bowl can also be left overnight in moonlight.

Indirect Method"

Place the crystal in a small glass bowl and stand the bowl within a large bowl that has sufficient spring water to raise the level above the crystal in the inner bowl.  Stand the bowl in sunlight for several hours.  (If the bowl is left outside, cover with a glass lid or cling wrap.)  If appropriate, the bowl can also be left overnight in moonlight.

*Some stones, such as Malachite, Sulphur, Galena and Vanadinite, are toxic and remedies from these stones need to be made by an indirect method that transfers the vibrations of the stones without transferring any of the toxic material from which the stone is formed. If in doubt– use the indirect method.*

Making Crystal Tinctures

In general, crystals and stones used for healing are used in a variety of ways…They are worn on the body as pendants, rings, etc.; carried on the person in pockets, mojo bags, and such; used as healing pendulums suspended above the affected areas; placed directly on the affected body part or placed on the appropriate chakra; and sometimes they are used to create healing tinctures that are taken internally, applied to affected body areas, or sprayed around a space.

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