Chapter 6: The Sun, the Moon, the Truth

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'Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, and concentrate the mind on the present moment.'

These are the words that repeated themselves within Indra's mind. A quote from the Buddha. This was the way in which he wished to live his life, the only problem was, he could not.

Another of the man's wise quotes was this.

'Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love, this is the eternal rule.'

Indra repeated these words aloud whilst the others plagued his mind. He wanted only to forget the past and somehow he knew once he achieved that he would no longer dwell on his future either. He needed to forgive those who had wronged him and forget the pain in those wrongdoings caused him. Samsara was an endless cycle of suffering, one which he would hopefully destroy someday. These words would be his motivation.

Indra sat within a space of endless darkness. He did not know where he was, how he had gotten here or the reason why he was there. He only knew one thing, as soon as he began meditating his body had manifested here, or rather, his soul. He could still feel the intense heat of the blazing tree on his skin but could no longer see it. Sweat ran down his body, it could be felt upon his skin but when he looked at himself there was none to be found.

'Why am I here?'

An answer to this question would come in time, this he was sure of. Indra sat for hours, waiting, watching for the slightest change. None came.

Whilst contemplating whether or not this was some sort of punishment by the system Indra recalled another quote. It resonated within his mind, sort of like a thought but he felt as if he could hear it, but there was no noise here, nothing but silence.

'Three things cannot be long hidden: The sun, the moon, and the truth.'

The previous quotes Indra had recalled because he had liked them. This one, however, was different. He needed to hear it. He thought hard upon this memory and replayed it in his head. Something finally happened.

First, a bright ball of light appeared above him, it was smothered by the surrounding darkness and with nothing to shine its light upon it seemed useless. Next, a round shadow appeared as well, the closer it got to the light the more it revealed itself to Indra's eyes. The closer it got the more he came to realize what it was, the Moon. This led to the realization that the light must be the sun!

Once the moon had finally revealed itself completely, it began to change and so did the sun. Each one radically transformed into what looked to be odd teardrops, each one with a curved tail and a hole in the thicker portion.

The one that was previously the moon slowly faded to a shade of black, but still lighter than the darkness behind it. The odd teardrop shape that previously represented the sun did the opposite, it became brighter and brighter until finally, it was a shimmering white. When Indra finally realized What he was looking at he wanted to facepalm himself, this was the yin and the yang.

The two symbols were drawn to each other as if they were one and the same, like two bald eagles, the ferocious raptor which symbolized strength and freedom dancing together across an endless sky of darkness. The black rotated so that it was upside down and the white remained upright. Both symbols slowly hovered toward one another until they clicked and became one just as a pair of mating eagles locked talons in a beautiful conjunction of love.

Immediately after this reunion between the two, they began spinning, the speed at which they spun increased slowly for a few moments and then all at once it sped up to an incomprehensible speed, a whirlwind, so fast in fact that the two colours melded together and Indra could no longer differentiate the two. This went on for some time and Indra couldn't take his eyes off the captivating dance of black and white for even a second.

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