A cafe

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A/N please make sure that you've read chapter two too, because otherwise you might be confused (i see it has less views than chapter three so i assume some haven't). i hope you will enjoy!


Tyler didn't know what had happened yesterday. He had never kissed somebody before, and he wanted to kiss Josh, even though they just met.

He knew he shouldn't, and Tyler really isn't that person who would kiss anyone whenever they would be in the mood. No. Tyler believes in real love, and maybe he has mistaken a beginning crush on someone with love once again.

He always hated it when he had a crush, since he always knew he didn't stand a chance. He was the opposite of good-looking, he was annoying and was a freaking poet, a person who valued words.

He really hoped Joshua hadn't noticed.

He pushed up his glasses. He wore them instead of contact lenses, because he was thinking about having a day off. He had worked hard on his college assignments and just made it through a big test week. He has had a lot of stress pumping through his veins and thought a lazy day would be a good idea.

And yes, also a day off from wearing contact lenses.

Tyler was one of those people who enjoyed working, so he texted his boss and went to the cafe he worked at.

When he opened the door, the cafe filled with the harmonious clinging of the bell that rang every time when someone would come in. Tyler looked at the counter, and saw his boss Alicia appear from behind the door that lead to the kitchen.

Alicia was an almost middle-aged woman, had black, curly hair anda a British accent, since she was born in Brighton.

"Hello Tyler! How have you been?" she asked with a smile. Tyler smiled back.

"I've been great, actually. I survived the test week, kind of," he replied. He decided to keep the things that he experienced with Josh for himself. "How have you been?"

"That's great. And I've been fine, it has only been very crowded here lately. A lot of people from your college come here to work on their assignment and need coffee to stay awake," she laughed.

"I wish I would've thought of that," Tyler said and smiled again. "What can I help with?"

"I'm going to make some sandwiches for table five. Can you stay here behind the counter?"

"Yes ma'am," he said and Alicia grinned.

He liked the warmth in the cafe. It was one of his favourite places. He closes his eyes and breathes in the warm scent of muffins. He heard soft chatter from costumers, but it still sounded quiet. He felt in peace. This was exactly what Tyler hoped his day off would be.

His peaceful quiet was disturbed by the bell, but he didn't mind. He looked at the counter and started wiping the dust off with a cloth.

"Um, hi," he hears a familiar voice say. His heart rate speeds up and his eyes widened in anxiety.

"Hi Tyler," Josh says when Tyler looks up at him.

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