Q. How do I know if I have a yeast infection?

The most common symptoms are severe itching, painful urination and abnormal discharge. If you are experiencing these symptoms, its very important that you don’t diagnose the problem yourself, because the symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are similar to those of an STD better known as a sexually transmitted disease. To be on the safe side always tell your mom and see a doctor if not sure.

Q. How do I get rid of a yeast infection?

Most yeast infections can be treated with OTC (over the counter) medications. These are normally consist of a solution that you apply into the vagina and an external cream to be applied to help with the itching and burning. Be sure that you read the instructions on the package thoroughly and be sure to use the medication as its described in the instructions. Be sure to use it for the full time anywhere from 1-7 days. Even tho you don't feel symptoms any longer doesn't mean that its completely healed. Best to use the product until its gone. Just to be safe and you wont have to repeat it anytime soon. Apply the medication right at bedtime for best results.

Q. How can I prevent yeast infections?

There are several ways that you can help ensure a healthy vagina and a healthy yeast balance. You should always try to wear clothing that “breathes” like cotton panties more often then silk or synthetic as cotton “breathes” and helps keep your “down there” dry. Moisture is not your friend and yeast multiply like rabbits in the moisture. Try to avoid taking antibiotics unnecessarily. For one, they weaken your immune system. A good immune system is what keeps you out of the doctors office. Stay away from feminine sprays, talcs, baby powder, perfumes, douches (its good to douche every now and again, it doesn't have to be a bi -weekly thing) scented toilet paper and deodorized tampons. These products can disrupt the bodies natural “cleansing” process. The more you let your body do what it was designed to do, the better you will feel. Perfumed and scented products don't do your silky smooth skin and fragile vagina any favors. Organic soap is best. Especially for your delicate unmentionables.

That takes us to a seldom talked about subject: VAGINAL DISCHARGE.

That’s correct. You will have discharge from down there. Even when your not on your period. And believe it or not this is normal. Your vagina has a ruff job of things. It not only keeps itself moist and lubricates itself, it also does a pretty good job of things on its own, but still a little help from you helps. So lets delve into this mystery that's not really a mystery at all.

Q. What is feminine discharge, why does it happen and how can I minimize it?

First some good news, All women have discharge! Its as natural as “exploring”or having sex. Two other subjects which will be covered in a different report. Its your vagina’s natural means of keeping itself clean, healthy, lubricated and protected against infection and germs. The discharge basically maintains yourvagina’s natural balance.

Q. How do you identify normal vaginal discharge?

Normal vaginal discharge is usually transparent and has very little odor. The amount of discharge or mucus produced by cells in the cervix varies with changing hormone levels. Again,completely normal. If you haven't started your period yet for the first time, this can also signify the changing hormone levels in your body due to puberty and you likely will be starting your menstrual flow soon. So be ready! Don't wait until it actually starts before you educate yourself on starting your menstrual cycle, types of pads and pantie liners, different types of tampons light, medium, normal, heavy. There are many different brands of tampons and liners that your head could explode just trying to pick one out. One size doesn't fit all!! so best to do your homework BEFORE you start your period. Don t wait until you notice blood on your panties. Oh, not only will you have to worry about your period and that will be with you most of your life...Vaginal discharge will also be with you the rest of your life. (If only boys really understood what us girls go thru) Most women don’t need to do anything special about their discharge. For the heavier days, avoiding tight clothing (like tight jeans and pantyhose) and wearing cotton underwear should be enough. Others may feel more comfortable wearing a thin pad or a panty liner. Most women don’t need to do anything special about their discharge. For the heavier days, avoiding tight clothing (like tight jeans and pantyhose) and wearing cotton underwear should be enough. Others may feel more comfortable wearing a thin pad or a pantie liner.

Q. Is it possible for normal vaginal discharge to change throughout the month?

You can usually see changes during your period. Also the vagina’s pH or acidity level changes with hormonal changes in the body. This affects the vagina’s “natural environment” and may make discharge heavier, denser, have a whitish color to it and so on. Things that can increase or drastically change the flow of the discharge are things like:

Ovulation, pregnancy, stress, sexual arousal, drugs that contain hormones, such as contraceptives, breastfeeding and  ones diet.

Q. Is there is such a thing as abnormal vaginal discharge:

Vaginal discharge is an indicator of your vagina’s health, so if you notice changes in its regular color, texture, smell, amount etc. you may have an infection and you should see your doctor. Or tell your mom as she is probably the best person you can talk to about these things.

Q. What can you do to ensure that your vaginal discharge is normal and to avoid vaginal infections?

There are a few things that you can do to help ensure your “lady down there”stays happy. Here are a few tips that could help, these are:

Keep your vagina clean and dry. Do not use vaginal douches if you can avoid it as these alter your vagina’s natural pH balance.

ALWAYS USE CONDOMS WHEN HAVING SEX. They should also have Nanoxinal-9 in them as its a very affective spermicidal and helps fight against STD infection.

Don't use perfumes or powders like baby powder in your genital area as your very delicate down there and perfumes and dyes are major irritants.

Don't wear overly tight pants all the time as they limit good blood and oxygen flow to the area. Its good to go a couple times a week without panties on and a long skirt. Your lady parts need to breath once in awhile. So let her have a day off from those stuffy cotton panties.

Try to wear cotton panties. As take any tampons with me” its not very exciting being out with your friends and you start your period , you check your purse and you tell yourself, Its still OK, my friends will have one..You ask and none of them do, so you have to either go home and waste the day, evening..or walk up to a stranger and ask them in hushed tones..”i started my period early, do you have a tampon? Don't feel bad..it will happen one day. But, its better be prepared just in case.

I hope that this has been informative to you. I would do a segment on period but I've already written a report on that and it can be found in this book on an earlier chapter. For now I've tried to give a little insight into what can go wrong, and right with your vagina. There is more that I wanted to cover But it will have to wait until another chapter. If there is anything that you would like to see covered, please don't hesitate to leave a comment letting us know and myself or one of the other education angels will do our best to get that to you as soon as we can.

* most of The facts found int his article can also be found at sites like:

kotex.com ,

always.com ,

I use these sights frequently and the information that I get from those two sites is always insightful and Just what I was looking for. They Are two of the more well known manufacturers of feminine care products mainly pantie liners, pads and tampons. All of the information I've written here I got from those two sites. So they are about feminine hygiene and well being. So check them out.

Adalaine Marie Robiinsoneducation angel with We_Care found @We_Care works page.

** Believe in yourself and you will always win **

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