Chapter 2 ~ The Interview

Start from the beginning

I loved to sing and I loved to make my fans happy. Now though, I had gotten an affection in my throat which meant I had to let my fans down if I wanted to be able to sing again. I hated it. My fans were probably disappointed about the news, and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope the fans won't get too disappointed about it and that your voice gets better soon," Mariah smiled warmly, looking down at her cards to find another question. "Okay, here's another one. Are you planning on releasing a second album?"

I let out a small laugh, reaching up to muffle it with the back of my hand. "Well, seeing as I just released my first one, I don't know about that yet."

Mariah's cheeks turned a pink-red. "Oh, I see. Well, it wasn't my question," she mumbled, going through her cards again. "I think I've found a good one now actually," she said after a few seconds.

I shifted in my seat, furrowing my eyebrows in concentration. "Okay, shoot."

"How do you feel about not being able to visit your family very often now that you're famous?" Mariah asked, looking up at me.

I swallowed thickly, avoiding her gaze. I really didn't want to reply to this one, but seeing as this was a live interview, I had no other choice. "Um, I actually haven't had time to visit my family ever since I attended boot camp," I admitted, biting my bottom lip.

"Oh, and how do you feel about that?" Mariah pushed.

"Actually, I feel quite terrible. I miss them so much, and I would love to just get off from work a week or so just to go and pay them a visit, but my schedule is so busy that I just can't."

She looked deep in thought for a while before speaking up; "But, haven't you got some free time now, though? What did you say? That you had to stay away from singing until February?"

My eyes widened in realization. Mariah was right. I did have time now, for the first time in two years. "I can't believe I haven't thought about that. Thanks a lot for the recommendation. I'll definitely think about it," I smiled appreciatively.

"Great," Mariah squealed, probably happy that she'd done something great for a celebrity. "Let's move on to the next question."

I ran a hand through my curls, nodding my head. "Sure."

"Hmm, this one is quite personal. Would you mind answering it?" She asked hesitantly.

I thought for a while. What if it was something really out the question that I wouldn't want to answer? Oh, what the hell. "Of course not."

"Great. So, this person who'd like to stay anonymous is asking if you have a girlfriend at the moment?"

I practically let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't that bad. "No, I don't," I smiled sweetly, giving her a flirtatious look.

Ever since I got famous, I'd had the rumor of being a player who preferably dated older women. I mean, I did find older women attractive so it wasn't like it was a lie or anything. I had been flirting with women over 25 many times during my years of being a celebrity and girls my own age as well, but I was with Liam now and had decided to settle with him.

However, my management didn't want me to come out, and I understood them. It could lead to me losing a big amount of my fans, and I didn't want that myself either. So, for now, I was fine with dating Liam behind the scenes. Just as long as I could still be with him.

They said that if I kept flirting with girls and women, it would be no problem, just as long as Liam and I stayed a secret. That was why I still flirted with other people other than Liam. Not that I wasn't the flirty-type-of-guy anyway. I liked flirting with people.

Mariah put on a flirty look on her face as well, tilting her head to the side. "So, what do you say. You and me tonight at seven?"

I eyed her. She had brown hair with hazel eyes and wasn't very tall, but not short either. Her skin was olive colored, and she had almost invisible wrinkles on her face, which told me she was approximately in her late thirties. Although she wasn't exactly my type, I went along with the joke and gave her another wink. "Of course, babe. Just tell me where and I'll be there."

Mariah burst out laughing, clutching her stomach. "You're a cheeky little man, aren't you?"

I shrugged, playing innocent. "Well, I wouldn't say I'm a little man, nor that I'm very cheeky either," I smiled.

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, so how would you describe yourself?"

This question made me smile even wider, making my dimples appear on my cheeks. "Well, I would say I'm a sexy, charming young man who knows how to make a woman like you fall for me," I winked, causing the audience to break out in laughter.

"Of course. Not cheeky at all," Mariah said, shaking her head in amusement.

After that, she continued asking a few questions, but it didn't take long until the interview finished. I went off the stage, thanking Mariah for the invite and all of my fans for watching the show.

The first thing I was met with as soon as I came backstage was a smiling Paul. "Well done, son," he said, patting me on the shoulder. "And I think the interviewer came up with an amazing idea. Let's pack your bags and head home to Holmes Chapel."


There you have chapter 2. Harry and Louis are going to meet soon, I promise! On another note, I'm going to the Dominican Republic on Monday and will be there for two weeks, so if I don't update next weekend, you know why. See you soon, love you!

Pauline .xx

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