Chapter 8: I HATE Mondays

Start from the beginning

"No worries Soph." David replied with a small and started the car, driving out of the yard. "Now I forget, so remind me: is your bus stop left or right?"

"Right- towards Tim's place." Sophia responds as they reach the gate. She clambered out to get the gate.

Once she had settled back in the car David checked for cars then pulled out right, staying to the left-hand side of the dirt road. After a few minutes of travelling in companionable silence they reached the sign that had a small bus and the words 'Bus Stop'.

"Thank you David for the lift." Sophia says as she leant over and kissed his cheek, "See ya!" She said, then closed the door and waved.

Sophia sigh and walked over to the seats, and dropped her bag lightly on the ground.

"Morning Sophie!" A familiar voice greeted her.

"Hey Timmy." She greeted nonchalantly.

Sophia watched as her life-long friend sat himself down next to her, with a smile that told her he needed to say something. She eyed Tim for a few moments before she realised that the bus was close to arriving.

Sophia grabbed her bag and patted her friends shoulder, "There's always lunch?"

Tim just grunted, but continued to smile as he retrieved his bag and stood behind Sophia who was waiting for the bus to stop.

_____________ Time Skip – At School _____________

The pair got off the bus and walked to their designated locker area. When Sophia arrived at hers, a certain Leonardo was leaning on her door, obviously waiting for her, with a not so charming look on his face.

Wonder which carrot got stuck up his bum? Sophia pondered to herself; Guess there's one way to find out.

Sophia mustered all the cheerfulness she could and greeted the wallowing Leo, "Morning!!" Her cheery voice rang.

It did nothing to improve his mood, only earning her a glare, "Hey Sophia..."

Sophia reached for her locker, putting her combination in, 39, 12, 30. "So are you going to tell me what's got you THIS down?"

Leo just shook his head, Sophia let out a reigned sigh and just mumbled, "I hope Ally is better company." She pulled out her books for the first three lessons and made her way to her PC class-room.

_____________ Time Skip – 10:55am (First Break) _____________

Sophia sighed as she made her way out of her Math room and headed to her locker with Ally, who was fortunate to be in the same classroom as Sophia and Tim.

The only resemblance to her father is the green eyes, her light reddish-brown hair and petite figure must come from her mother. Sophia observed as they all chatted quietly before getting their lunch and joining up with Leo to eat.

_____________ Time Skip – 2:56pm _____________

Sophia inwardly groaned as she looked up at the clock, then at Tim who was focusing on what their Science teacher, Ms. Roberts was saying. She let out a hungry sigh , 'Second break was hours ago, why can't she just shut up already?! Sophia thought' and went back to listening when the teacher suddenly stopped.

"Miss Masson!" The teacher called out.

Sophia looked up to see whom the teacher's unforgiving eyes targeted. She followed her line of sight to the girl next to her: Ally

Ms. Roberts grinned, "Care to explain what I just said?"

Tim threw Ally an apologetic look, Sophia just glared at the teacher. Ally look very embarrassed and a little frightened. Sophia glared at Ms. Roberts once more then turned to look at Tim, who saw the glint of anger in her eyes and shook his head, "Don't."

Sophia grunted and smiled at him before giving their teacher a snarky reply, "Ms. Roberts, I was under the impression your job was to teach us, not pick on new kids like a bully."

Ms. Robert's eyes flew up, some students snickered or laugh, but Sophia just sat there, returning her teachers stare. "As some of you think it is hilarious to laugh, I want all the questions on pages 399 and 400 completed with detail by Wednesday!"

The whole class groaned as the bell rang.

"Stand behind your chairs please." Ms. Roberts ordered, "Everyone but Sophia may go."

Tim and Ally shared a look with Sophia before leaving, "We'll wait for you." Sophia nodded to them and sighed. With hesitant steps, she made her way to the teacher's desk. "Yes Miss?"

"I will let that comment slide this once, BUT if that ever happens again, it is an immediate referral. Am I understood?"

Sophia grunted softly, "Yes."

"You may leave." Her teacher said and Sophia headed outside to where her two friends had waited.

"Thank you Soph, but you really shouldn't have." Ally smiled.

Sophia smiled, "Nah, she's a bully."

Tim just laughed, "Soph and her don't see eye to eye. Which I know is hard to believe. So what did she say to you anyway?" He asked as they headed back to their lockers.

"Whinge, whine. I look like a mouse, squeak squeak." Sophia mimicked her teacher in a high pitch voice as she opened her locker, throwing her books carelessly in and pulled out her bag, while her friends laughed and got their own things out.

"What's so funny?" An accented voice asked.

Tim, Sophia and Ally looked at Leo and laughed again, "We'll fill you in on the way out."    


Sorry for the late update, Chapter 8!

And yes there was a few time skips in here :P Just deal with it.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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