Chapter Eleven

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Afternoon passed Leia laid crossing her legs under and over Han's. As for him. Dreaming, asleep as his body rose up and down with each breath. She lifted her hands near his face and resting on the bed she caressed his face. She felt movement of his hand off her thigh, to her hand and held it, then he slowly opened his eyes revealing his wonderful princess.

"How was it?" Han asked her in a low toned, cocky voice

"Pretty good" She smiled as she shifted closer to him

"'Pretty good'? Thats all?!" He teased still being fairly quiet

"Would 'pretty damn good' be a better response?" Leia asked as she kissed his neck, and started to suck on the skin a bit

"Mmmm..." He moaned to her sucking.

Both jumped a bit when they had heard the sound of a comm ringing, followed by the sound of Mon's voice

"Organa. I don't think you got my message. But someone is here to meet with you at the base, please come down as quickly as possible."

Leia groaned, as a child would about going to school.

Han sighed as she got up to dress.

Once dresses she grabbed her holo-pad and headed to the door, she turned around before putting the code in
"Bye, Han."

He sat up and smirked at her "See ya, princess."

And once again he was alone. He gazed around the quiet room before getting up and dressed.

Leia walked quickly to the base, she didn't want to miss anything, certainly when it was important.
The door slid open and she marched down the hall to the meeting hall, assuming that's where who-ever was going to be.
The door to the hall slid open in front of her and she stepped in. A man stood at the other end of the room, seeming as he was interviewing the metal walls. He turned and his face lit up "Miss Organa. You're here" he rushed over to greet her.
"Leia. Please"
She had just realized who it was. The pilot who had desperately tried to please her.
"Yes, of course, Leia. He reached his hand out to shake hers.
"And you are-"
"Calfa!" His quick response seemed as he wanted to make a statement.
She raised an eyebrow at him, then shook her head "Anyway, let's sit."

Both sat down across from each other in the quiet room. Leia didn't want to admit, bit it seemed pointless what he wanted to call her in a whole meeting about. Leia rolled her eyes at him in her mind.

After Leia left Han had gone to the Falcon where he found Chewie again working on it.

"Hey buddy, how's it going?" Han shouted to him.
He looked up growling and waving at him.

He began to work work on the falcon with him there wasn't much left to do. But Han always liked to fix her up, with upgrades as well.

Good Times In Hard Times [Han X Leia] (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now