Chapter Six

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It was evening and Han and Leia went back to the cabin and we're eating the boar meat that Han had made last night. They were both grinning and staring at each other like school kids that just did something rebellious; they were happy,  engaged and hopefully soon to be married.

Leia looked up at his face staring at her
"What?" She smiled and pushed her empty bowl aside

"You're lovely."  He said with a smirk

"I'm lucky." Leia smiled looking down at her ring.

They both stood and Leia made her way to the bed where she stripped into a night gown.

Han washed out the bowls and left them on the side of the sink. He then moved over to Leia and sat on their bed. She laid next to him and brought a sad expression as she closed her eyes.

"Whats wrong, princess?" he asked as he reached out and caressed her cheek

"They're all dying Han. The rebels who were stranded are dying and we can't help them, they'll all be dead soon by the hand of whats left of the empire." She spoke quietly

They sat in silence for a moment

"But we've won." Han spoke, touching her hands.

Leia turned towards him "Doesn't matter, they're dying from who's left. They won't just quit because we've won."

Han sighed and looked down her body, he couldn't help her, or really comfort her 

"It'll be alright." he told her, giving her false hope.

The conversation soon died down as Leia was left alone in her thoughts, and Han went to wash off.

Han didn't understand or feel what she felt, and Leia knew that. Though she was born with a silver spoon, it was thrown away for a fight and soon enough she was on her own. Han had always a cocky way of thinking, and sometimes selfish too. 

Leia fell asleep while Han cleaned up; once he got out he saw her asleep, so he tucked her in and slid in next to her, lightly kissing her forehead.

Both drifted to sleep, dreaming, apart.

Good Times In Hard Times [Han X Leia] (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now