Chapter Eight

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Leia laid on the bed with her holopad doing some reading, but she wasn't really paying attention to the words.
Han also had finished up with Chewie for the day. The ramp was almost finished but the sun began to set, he said goodbye to him and headed back for the night.
He put the code in and the door slid before him. Leia looked up and noticed him come in.
He was dirty, his shirt stained with oil and dirt, his hair was a mess and dirt covered his face.
Leia stood and moved over to him
"Hey." She spoke in a quiet tone before kissing his cheek
"Hey." He leaned against the wall "didn't mean to get so dirty I was just working on the Falcon." He made an effort not to get her dirty as well.
"I don't care." She lifted his arms over her shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist.
They embraced each other for a moment in the quiet cabin, it was peaceful, perhaps time stopped and they didn't know, if time had stopped then they wouldn't have cared anyway.
"Shower with me?" Han whispered in her ear, breaking the silence
Leia nodded and led him to the shower.

They stripped and got in, the warm water felt good on their bodies, they stood close to each other.
They had done this plenty of times, Leia enjoyed the peace and privacy it brought, just being with someone she loved.
She watched as dirty water drained down as Han rinsed off. She rubbed her hands with soap, then began to rub his backside, pushing into his muscles as she went. He was always so tense, about what, she never really knew. As the oil began to wash off she moved to his arms. He enjoyed it, she did it so well even if she never needed to.
Next Leia rinsed her hair out. Only occasionally she would wash her hair. People had told her to just cut her hair if it only got in the way. But, she couldn't, she always remembered her father telling her how beautiful her hair was.
Once Leia washed off Han put his hands on her waist and pulled her into a kiss. Water streamed on their faces.
Han stepped out and Leia stayed in a couple minutes more.

Leia stepped out after drying and dressing herself. She found Han on the bed fast asleep, she smiled and slid next to him.

Good Times In Hard Times [Han X Leia] (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now