Chapter Nine

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Han woke up early morning the next day to see Leia still asleep. He smiled to himself, not only because she was the most beautiful woman in the whole galaxy, but since she was still asleep Han could surprise her with something he'd been waiting to do.
Han got himself dressed and started to look for his comm, he couldn't find it anywhere. He cursed to himself, the thoughts 'Must be on the Falcon'.
Once he got himself together he headed to the Falcon.
The door slid open and Han stepped in. Heading to the cockpit, he jumped and screeched, forgetting Chewbacca always has slept on the Falcon. Chewie's big body shifted slowly after being awoken from Han's loud scream. He opened his eyes and saw him standing there.

Han's heart was still beating fast, "Hey, sorry buddy, I forgot that you were in here"
Chewie let out a quiet growl, and asked a question to him

"Of course I noticed the Falcon was moved. In fact so much I had to march into that devil, Mon's office to ask her what the hells had happen.." He took a deep breath tryting to calm down, because married or not, his ship was still his baby.

"But I did come in here for a reason... Not just to see you. But.. Where is my comm?" Han asked. Chewbacca tilted his head indicating to the cockpit.
Han moved that way and thanked him. Almost immediately he spotted it sitting on the pilots chair, got it, then went back to the cabin.


Leia had waken up from a dream, when she opened her eyes the light was beaming through the window. She rubbed her eyes from accidentally staring at the sun, then sat up. But soon enough she had noticed that Han wasn't there... Again. She got up, stretched and had gone into the small kitchen. On the way she stopped by her dresser to see if there were any notes there, but no. There were none, only the previous one from the other day.
In the kitched she set two cups out to make caff. Her ring caught her eye, how the gem sparkled in the sun. The gem, alight green carefully ingraved stone that when caught the light made a rainbow in her eye.
Leia smiled at the sight, it made her think about when Han and her used to argue.. On the Death Star, through the corridors of Hoth, and many other stupid situations.
While she stared carelessy out in space, she heard a 'beep' and the front door slide open. Leia shook her head back to reality and stuck her head around the corner to see Han slipping out of his jacket.
Her smile widened as she stepped in his path. He looked up at her, and met her gaze

"Good morning, princess" He spoke in a low seducing voice. Han examined her body.
She wore a short silk nightgown with slits in the side exposing the lace edge of her panties.
Leia noticed him looking doenwards at her body, she took her finger and lifted his chin up to meet her eyes

"Up here, scoundrel" Leia smirked "Making caff... You want some?" she asked

"Of course. And maybe something else" Han replied winking

Leia giggled slightly but also cringed at his statement heading back to the kitchen.

Good Times In Hard Times [Han X Leia] (REVISED)Where stories live. Discover now