"And you forgave her?"

She turned to look at him.

"No, I told her I'd think about it. Before our fight, I considered her a best friend, but best friend's don't do that. I told her that if I did forgive her, she'd have to gain my trust again"

He nodded.


She shrugged lightly.

"I can't exactly hold grudges, but friends don't do what she did. I don't need that type of negativity in my life"

She looked at me.

"I know you have a soft spot for Rory considering she is a big reason as to why we met"

I nodded agreeing with her.

"But what do you think I should do?"

"A best friend is someone who is there through thick and thin" I reminded her.

After learning how Andrea was treated by Lorelai when her mother passed away my views had changed.

"Make her work for that apology" I suggested.

I glanced at Eli who was nodding.

"What about you Eli?"

He looked at her.

"I agree with Chris, make her work that apology. You may not hold grudges, but that does not mean you have to let her back in your life"

Cody cleared his throat getting our attention.

"I doubt you want my opinion, but I agree with both of them. Whatever happened between her and Eli is something that you shouldn't be put in between. You have to make it known that you won't take her shit"

Andrea nodded.

"That's what Eli and I were actually talking about before you two woke up. I was telling him that I'm not going to let her in that easy"

"She just has to be more like Eli" I pointed out.

"What exactly does that mean?"

I looked at Eli.

"You have a strong personality" I began saying.

He chuckled.

"You could phrase it that way"

"But you know your limits. You don't hurt people's feelings for your benefit nor do you use people for your own benefit" I stated.

Eli was Andrea's best friend who had been in her life since they were kids. She was my girlfriend, and I knew how important he was to her and that he was going to be involved in her life. Lorelai didn't really think that way. Yes, she made a few nice gestures for Andrea here and there, but the friendship looked to be one-sided.

"Andrea told me Lorelai once ignored her for a month because she ate the popsicle that Lorelai had claimed" I brought up.

Cody raised an eyebrow.

"Not only did Andrea buy said popsicle, but this happened like less than a year ago" I said.

"Are you serious?"

Andrea nodded.

"Rory is an only child"

Eli scoffed.

"So am I, but I still know manners. I don't throw fits when I don't get my way"

He had a point there.

"It's different when it comes to Rory though. Yes, she's a bitch most of the time but she pushes me to be a better person. Growing up, I was crazy shy and Rory helped me break out of the shell so to say. Eli and Rory are polar opposites which is why I've never compared them"

Cody looked at Eli.

"I get why you were attracted to Rory, she's a beautiful girl but she's the opposite of you"

Eli simply shrugged.

"I was young and stupid"

Andrea smiled.

"And you're not now?"

He chuckled.

"I'm older, but still the same amount of stupid"

It was very obvious that the relationship Eli and Andrea had was purely platonic. They were best friends and considered each other family. It was obvious how much Eli adored Andrea, but it wasn't the same kind of affection I shared with Andrea. 

A/N: The Dodgers play the Cubs today, and I am kind of a wreck. That and I have to type up my midterm exam and study for another midterm...The life of a Grad School student. 

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