"Ah, I understand," he answered. "So, anything new?"

"Hm, not really anything. Life is boring," I sighed.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked, and I nodded. "Well, what's new with Taehyung?"

"Taehyung? We broke up a couple days ago," I addressed. He perched his lips and clicked his tongue, which made it seem like he wasn't satisfied with my answer. "Is something bothering you?"

He looked up at me, and chuckled.

"No, no. It's fine," he answered, and broke the awkwardness by digging into his food. "Wah, mom's soups are always the best~"


I remembered Mr. Nam telling me yesterday that I would get my work clothes today. He said that I could come with casual clothes since I'm going to change anyway. 

I had asked Yoongi to drop me off, but he told me that he doesn't feel comfortable in large crowds, so declined my request. 

As of now, it was 4:30, and since it was my first day I wanted to make sure to be early, especially since I probably need to be taught and toured around the restaurant.

I parked my car in the back parking lot, where the employees park. I locked the doors behind me as I walked towards the back entrance of the restaurant. 

I opened the thick, wooden door and it opened up to the kitchen. I saw several busy chefs running around, focusing on at least three plates at a time. Not to interrupt their work, I carefully slid aside, and opened the door to where the restaurant is. 

There were many people sitting happily, socializing with each other as they ate their food. I found a waitress who was standing around at the time. I'll go ask her about what I need to do.

"Excuse me?" I lightly tapped her shoulder, grabbing her attention. She turned around, and she was such a beautiful girl. She was shorter than me, but with a cute aura. "I'm the new waitress, and I was wondering where I need to go?"

"Ah, you're the new girl?" she asked with a smile. I nodded. "Follow me. I'll take you to Mr. Nam's office, then I'll tour you around and introduce you to everything."

We began walking through the small hallway, passing the female and male restrooms, and made it to his office. She lightly knocked on his door twice, then opened it. Mr. Nam was sitting on his desk, and seemed to be filling out bills and paperwork.

"Mr. Nam, I have the new employee with me," said the girl, and Mr. Nam greeted us.

"Hi girls! Since I'm currently very busy, I'll have my most trusted waitress tour you around. She'll give you your uniform, too," he addressed, turning back to his computer and typing. The girl gently closed the door, and breathed out.

"Mr. Nam is always busy," she remarked, making our ways out of the hallway. "Oh, by the way, my name is Jung Chaeyeon."

(For those of you who don't know her, her name is Chaeyeon from DIA or as a former member or I.O.I)

"I'm Min Yoonhee," we shook hands with each other and exchanged smiles.

"Nice to meet you! I'm sure you'll love working here," she beamed. "Now, I'll show you around."


"So, we have a total of four chefs, and four waiters and waitresses. Now including you, we have five. Let me introduce you to our chefs," she opened the door to the kitchen and cleared her throat, grabbing all four chefs' attention. "Attention everyone! I'm here to introduce our new waitress, Min Yoonhee."

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