Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Hey, babe." Luke says, his smile bigger than before when he said 'babe'. I smile at it.

I cough, to clear my croaky throat. 

"Hi, baby." I say, my voice not coming as loud as I was hoping it would.

"Jesus christ, Yenessa. They've done something else, haven't they?" Luke says, dropping his books on the ground by my feet, and lifts my chin with his finger. I was about to shake my head, but I don't want to lie to him even it's by a gesture. I have had Shane ruin our relationship between him and I because of a lie, but also a cheat, but still a lie. I don't want some argument, or something to happen between Luke and I because of a lie I've told.

I continue staring at the ground, and bite my lip. He lift's my chin up higher, and looks in my eyes.

"This shit seriously needs to stop." Luke says, grabbing his books off the ground and begins to walk away, to go and fix those girls up. I grab his wrist, and he turns around to face me.

"Let's just go to English, this happened before I came to school, I'll tell you everything in English, but don't try fixing it, Luke. It will make it worse." I say.

I know because I've been bullied before, not this bad, but I've been bullied. But, my friend, Clarissa tried to fix it by smacking some sense into them but instead of fixing it, it made if four times worse, they bullied me more often, and through social networks and stuff. 

Luke rubs his spare hand on his forehead, pushing his fringe up, then he moves his hand letting his hair fall back down on his forehead, he usually has his hair spiked in a quiff thingy. But it's been rainy, he said there's not much point when the rains going to flatten it anyway.

"Your right. Fine, let's go to English, don't miss any detail, I want to know everything." Luke says, shaking my hand off his wrist, and grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together. He kisses my cheek, and smiles. I smile back, moving closer to him.

"Okay, Luke."

"By the way, you look beautiful today." He says, pulling me slightly in front of him, and kisses my cheek.

I cough.

"Really? You think so? I think I look like shit." I say, coughing again. My voice isn't as quiet anymore, I wish it was this volume before, when I said Hi to Luke.

"Yeah, I think so. You don't look like shit, you look beautiful, you always do but today, you just look a lot more beautiful then usual." Luke says, squeezing my hand a bit.

Goodness me, this boy is so beautiful. I feel good now, because of what he's saying.


"Your not wearing your contacts, your wearing your glasses, and you look like a cute little scientist, you've got your hair all natural and in one of those messy bun thingy's and I think it's pretty. Your not even wearing lipgloss or anything, nothing. Usually you wear lipgloss, but you look beautiful all natural." Luke says, smiling every now and then. His dimples appearing every time he speaks, I love his dimples, they're so cute.

"Thanks, Luke." I say, not really know what to say back. I've said before, I don't take compliments very well, well I do, but I don't know what to say other than 'thanks', I usually compliment them back but I'd just keep on telling Luke that's he beautiful, and perfect. I'm sure he's tired of that but it's true, I can't pick out one thing I like about him, and compliment it, I like to compliment all of him.

We sit down in English, Luke sits next to me, after a short, hilarious argument Calum and Luke had about who Luke wants to sit next too. Luke wanted to sit next to me, but Calum wanted Luke to sit next to him, it was funny. But then Calum got out of hand a bit, and then Luke said something along the lines of 'She needs me.' I told him I'll be a seat in front of him but he shook his head and said that he wants to sit next to me so he can stick up for me if Sarah and Megan walk past and say something since they aren't that far away from us, and where we're sitting his near the bin. We're they usually walk off to, to say shit about our teacher.

Comfortable Silence || Luke HemmingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang