Jun, Zerra and Nia notice that Neo was gripping his cup tightly, like he was irritated.

Neo: That bitch. The fight was obviously in her favor. She even managed to nullify both of our Servant's Noble Phantasm. With our magic cut in half, we didn't stand a chance against her Servant.
Nia: Brother...(murmurs)

Nia place a hand on her brother's hand. This manage to calm him down a bit as he drinks his coffee.

Jun: Anyway, can you tell us about her Servant.
Neo: The thing is, we don't know it's identity.
Jun: What do you mean?
Neo: Even though we can see it's figure, it's body was covered by a black smoke that took the form of bats. We couldn't clearly see it's face or it's body.
Jun: Bats, huh? That is troublesome.
Neo: Well, with these wounds, its going to take some time for us to fully recover. We'll take this time to rest before challenging her again.
Zerra: Wha--? You're going to fight her after she already defeated you?
Neo: She's the most dangerous enemy so far. The sooner we take care of her, the better. Besides, this time we'll be fully prepared since we know her magic and the strength of her Servant. Hopefully with a good strategy, we'll be able to take her down.
Jun: Me and Zerra will also try our best to deal with her.
Neo: Hmmm.... I'm not sure if I can depend on your current level.
Jun: Oh, there's no need to worry about that.
Neo: You sure sound confident. Did something happen?
Jun: Well, something like that. (grins)

An hour has passed and during this time, Jun had told Neo about the discovery he made. While the two were talking, Zerra and Nia had transferred to a nearby table where they were chatting as well.

Neo: I see. So you now know about your family's ancient magic.
Jun: Yeah. I was surprised at first since it was hard to believe.
Neo: Can't blame you since that kind of magic hasn't been seen for a long time.

Jun thinks for a moment and remembers the time when Neo mentioned something about him.

Jun: Wait a minute. Neo, you said before that I was stronger than I think. Don't tell me you already knew about my family's past.
Neo: Well, we were going to form a truce so I had to know what kind of person you were. After researching, I found out about your magic and the name that labeled your family: Mana Eater.
Jun: Someone has been busy.
Neo: So, getting straight to the point. How strong have you become?

Hearing that, Jun was nervously hesitating to answer and tries not to make eye contact. Even though he hasn't said anything, it was obvious to Neo since he could tell from Jun's expression.

Neo: You haven't improved, am I right?
Jun: A-As embarrassing as it is....Yeah, something like that.
Neo: Sigh. I should have known. At least tell me you're able to use your magic.
Jun: During my fight with Zed, I was able to easily convert a chair into mana. But after that, even trying to turn a vase into mana was straining.
Neo: It must have been the situation. Since your life was in danger, you instinctively managed to use it without any trouble.
Jun: Although I felt really tired after that.
Neo: Your body is still isn't used to your magic.
Jun: I've been training whenever I had the time but it's taking too long. Way too long. I know that I have to master this if I ever want to properly fight another Master.
Neo: I'll be honest.
Jun: Huh? About what?
Neo: Aside from your Servant, your magic is also one of the main reason why I picked you to have a truce with.
Jun: My...magic?
Neo: Judging from your reaction, I'm guessing you haven't heard the full story. Listen, Jun. Your Mana Eater magic is immune to Nullifying Magic.

Jun was surprise to hear that from Neo and was speechless for a moment. Neo drinks his coffee and waits for Jun to come back to his senses.

Jun: Are you...serious?
Neo: It was a gamble though. At first, I didn't know if you could still use your magic since you haven't used it for a long time. And also the fact that your generation has stopped practicing magic. But it looks like my gamble paid off.
Jun: You still haven't answered me.
Neo: Oh, right. Yeah, it's true that Valerie's Nullifying Magic can't affect you. It's because Mana Eater Magic is considered to be Ancient Magic. It's a magic that has been used since ancient times. That kind of magic is much more superior than some Nullifying Magic.
Jun: R-Really?
Neo: Trust me. At our castle back in England, there were several old books about Mana Eater. Some records proved that what I just said is true.
Jun: I see. Huh...wait a minute. C-Castle?
Neo: Don't look so surprise. The Everstone is a proud family of magic and has been around for five decades. My family originated from England.
Jun: Ah....That took me by surprised.
Neo: Anyway, since you're having trouble mastering your magic, I might have the solution. But I'm going to warn you, it's not going to be a walk in the park.
Jun: W-Well, I might as well hear you out first.
Neo: Great. Do you have a basement?
Jun: Y-Yes....
Neo: Then we'll get started. (smiles)
Jun: Ugh...I have a bad feeling about this.(thinks to self)

Some time later, Jun and Neo were in the basement of the house. Zerra and Nia were quietly watching from the side although Zerra was acting a little nervous.

Neo: You ready?
Jun: Ummm....About what?
Neo: I'm going to help you speed your training a bit. Even after I said that it won't be easy, you still want to proceed?
Jun: Do I have a choice? If this is going to help me and Zerra, then I'll take the risk.
Neo: I have a feeling you were going to say something like that.

Neo takes out something from his pocket. It was a medium-size stone with a bright light blue color. Jun stares at the object in Neo's hand as the stone was glowing slightly.

Jun: W-What...is it?
Neo: A Mana Stone.
Jun: Mana Stone?
Neo: Like the name implies, mana can be stored inside. I would you to use your magic and absorb it. I've been putting a bit of mana in it for the last five months. If you absorb this, it will definitely give you a huge boost of power.

Jun was hesitating and Neo can see it on his face.

Neo: What's wrong? Nervous?
Jun: I would be lying if I said I wasn't.
Neo: What's there to be scared of?
Jun: It's just that...I was warned that if I absorb too much mana, my body might not handle it and I'd die.
Neo: Oh, I see. Well don't worry because there isn't that much mana in the stone. I guarantee you that there will be no side effects other than a headache or something like that. It's too be expected since this will be the first time you'll be absorbing something like this.

Jun reach for the stone. Although he was hesitating, he eventually grabs hold of it. He stares at the stone for a moment.

Jun: Amazing. Just by touching it, I can feel the mana flowing inside.
Neo: Go ahead. We'll all be here in case something does happen.

Jun takes a deep breath before closing his eyes and concentrates. At first nothing happen, but after a moment, Jun's hand starts to glow blue. As the absorbing process was starting, a powerful invisible energy begins to swirl around the area of the stone. The force of the energy was so strong that everyone else in the room was having a hard time standing straight. Nia was about to lose her balance but Zerra grabs hold of shoulder to keep her from falling.

Zerra: You alright?(looks at Nia)
Nia: Y-Yes...Th-Thank...you....(blushes)
Zerra: Hold on tight, alright?(smiles)
Nia: Okay....(murmurs)

After awhile, the stone suddenly breaks into pieces before turning into a cloud of blue particles. It then gets absorb into Jun's hand. Just when Neo was about to let out a sigh of relief, Jun kneels down while shouting in pain. He was holding his hand, which was now glowing a bit brightly. Neo goes to Jun to check on his condition.

Neo: Jun! What's wrong? Answer me!
Jun: M-My hand...! It feels...! It feels like it's burning up! A-Ahhh..!
Neo: Hang in there! It's probably the side effect! It'll fade away soon enough to just hand in there!

A panicked Nia calls out to her brother from behind.

Nia: B-Brother!
Neo: What is it? (looks at Nia)

When he turned around, Neo was in shock to see that Zerra was floating a couple of feet from the ground. Flames were also swirling around her body that seems to be getting bigger and bigger. His sister had fallen on her back on the ground as she stares at the Servant, who seems to have fallen unconscious.

Neo: I see. Some mana is being transferred to Zerra but it looks like it was a bit too much. But wait, even though I'm this close, the flames...aren't that hot. In fact, they feel warm. Just what is happen--?

Before Neo could finish his sentence, the flames around Zerra suddenly burst in all direction as it fills the entire room in an instant.

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