Chapter 2

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For some reason, I can't keep my eyes off of him. He looks more attractive than the first time I saw him. My body yearning for him most likely due to the mate bond. However, I avert my eyes away from him seeing the annoyance approach onto his facial expression.

"Dear little-"

"Shut the fuck up!," Luka spat walking pass us without bothering to say a word to me, his mate.

Azure rolls his eyes crossing his arms across his chest scoffing at Luka's words. I was aware about their estrange sibling relationship, but damn I didn't think it was this bad.

"I apologize for his disrespectful ass. Come on my mother will be delighted to meet the goddess of ice," he smiles walking towards the stairs. I follow behind not really having an option here.

Walking down the wooden dim hallway. We finally stop in front of a door, Azure opens the door for us to step inside. Once inside, my silvery-blue eyes land on a woman who's asleep in her bed. By the looks of her, Azure is her exact twin just in a female version of course.


"We're here," Azure announces softly stepping beside her bed. His focus firmly on her.

She starts to wake up fluttering her eyes open as her eyes that are exactly the same color as Luka, those lovely crystal blue eyes I can't seem to get out of my mind no matter how hard I try.

"Goddess Alyja," she breathes her gaze strictly on me sitting up from her bed.

"Please stay comfortable Mrs. -"


"Call me Lodis," she smiles extending her hand out to shake mine which I did nodding back at her in agreement to her name.

"Lodis, What can I do for you?," I ask hoping her wild request is forgotten.

"I want you to freeze my body goddess"

Nope, crazy idea still there.


"Look goddess, I'm tremendously ill with counted days until my death. I still have an important thing to do before I leave this world, so I need you to freeze my body in order for me to have some time please"

"I understand, but I have no idea on how to do that," I truthfully say.

"You do you're a goddess. Take your time and dig deep within yourself and you'll find your answer on how to help me," Lodis smiles.

"Okay and by the way if you don't mind me asking, what has you ill?"

"I have been cursed by an enemy"

"Cursed? By who?"

"Alpha Odysseus"

I gasp, a soon as those two words slip out of her lips, "I'm so sorry.. that man was so wicked"

"I've learned to accept it. Either way, your sister killed him which is enough justice for me"

"Right," I half smile.

"Well go along and rest darling. My son Azure will show you to your room where you'll be staying during your time here," she softly says nodding at Azure.

"Thank you"

"Also don't mind my other son Luka. He's always been so rude that wolf," she adds rolling her eyes.

I don't say anything in response not wanting to talk badly about alpha Luka. As much as I agree on his rudeness, I'm all about respect.

Azure directs me to my room and I follow admiring every beautiful detail inside this spectacular mansion. Everything is wooden and warm. The carpet is a rich dark red that gives this place such a homie feel. I've never been at a home like this, but for some reason I feel at home in a way.

"This is your room goddess Alyja. I made sure the maids set everything up for you," Azure smiles stepping aside inside the room for me to pass which I do loving the room, I've never had growing up. Nice white and grey covers nicely made. The carpet a dark rich red color as the the rest of the house. Counters and closets follow the interior design of the mansion, wood.

"It's beautiful. Thank you," I genuinely say taking a seat on the bed looking at Azure who stands by the door frame.

"It's an honor having you here goddess. I will now leave for you to rest. Goodnight goddess"

With that said he closes the door shut leaving me by myself to get comfortable. I stand up walking over to the drawers seeing all of my belongings neatly put away for me already. I pull out my pajamas that consists of a tank top and booty shorts. Once dressed, I step out of the restroom walking over to the bed ready to call it a day. The long drive really has me tired.

Just as I was about to throw myself on the bed, a deep voice utters causing me to jump startled letting out a small gasp. I turn my attention towards this identity. My eyes widening from seeing who casually sits on the small chair near the wall straight from where I am.

His crystal blue eyes fixated on me. Instantly, I feel intimidated by his gaze, his entire presence. How was it possible that I didn't see him sitting there? Am I that tired to have missed his presence inside my room?


"Shut up and listen," he cuts me off standing up from the chair.


"You're going to leave here tonight and go back to alpha Lysias empire you understand?!," Luka murmurs.

"What! I can't, I'm here to help your ill mother," I respond taken back by his command. Doesn't he want me to help his own mother?

"I'll find someone else for her. I don't want you here in my home. Get out!," he grumbles coming to a halt in front of me.

As I stare at his crystal blue eyes, I see nothing, but anger and coldness inside his soul. There's definitely no chance of us bonding as mates.

He hates me.

"I will not let you talk to me with such disrespect anymore. I'm the goddess of ice!," I spat angrily no longer being able to keep civil.

"And I'm an alpha!," he creases his brows at me.

"Get out of my room!"

"May I remind you, this is my home not yours."

I have no idea how long we've been staring down at each other trying to intimidate one another until a click sound is heard coming from behind me. I watch as Luka's eyes avert away from me glancing up at the clock his whole demeanor changing.

"You're lucky I have shit to do," Luka grits his teeth walking away from me and out of my room.

I exhale a deep breathe I didn't even realize I was holding. Alpha Luka is very intimidating especially due those eyes that always manages to take my breathe away. Turning my head towards my right I see the clock, five minutes until midnight.

"What does Luka have to do at this time?," I murmur to myself confusedly.

I brush this thought to the back of my mind minding my business. I get into the warm covers letting sleep take over me cause moon do I need a goodnight's rest.

Tomorrow should be interesting.

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