Chapter 29

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Luka's pov

Today is the day, my mate is going to be resurrected. My emotions are all over the place, excitement and impatience is what is mostly consuming me. While everyone is waiting at the lake, where Moon informed us to meet him at by dawn. I'm currently walking upstairs towards my room where Alyja lays. As soon as I open the door, my heart sinks as my eyes land on her lifeless body.

There she lays completely still no sign of breathing from her part, her stomach completely in place equally leveled. Her skin looks paler than the last time I saw her. Her beautiful breathtaking glow is no longer existent. Her once smooth pinkish lips are now dry and white. Her hair that used to be so shiny  is now dead.


That's what she is, dead.

I take a seat on the edge of the bed near her placing my hand on her cheek feeling the coldness within her body temperature. She looks sound asleep as if she could wake up at any moment, but no matter how long you wait, it'll never happen. She's actually gone, but not for long.

"Don't worry baby, you'll be back sooner than you think," I murmur as I caress her cheek. Soon, I'm going to see those silvery-blue eyes of hers once again and every single day of my life until the last breathe I take.

I pick her up from the bed carrying her bridal style making my way to meet Moon.


Once I get there, everyone hears my footsteps as twigs break from underneath me as I step on them. All their eyes land on Alyja seeing her for the first time after I took her away from everyone. Athena's eyes become watery as she sprints towards me causing me to stop. She caresses Alyja's cheek, as one tear slides down her cheek. I feel guilty watching this since I was the one to cause it.

"I'm sorry, but soon she'll be with us once again," I say. Athena looks up at me her eyes filled with pain seeing her sister's lifeless body lay still within my arms. "Once she's brought back please let her go. I'm taking her with me where she'll be safe," she murmurs.

Instantly, that stabbed me right in the heart. There's no way, I can be away from her now not after everything. I won't be able to go on with my life having her be far from me. The whole reason why I desperately summoned Moon and made that desperate deal that I will have to eventually explain to Alyja about is so I could be with her. So we can both be together forever just like Alyja wanted.

I don't bother to respond knowing this will only lead to another argument, so I curve Athena proceeding to make my way towards the lake seeing Moon waiting on me, so he can begin the resurrection process. Once I get near, he motions for me to hand her over to him, which I do.

"Alright, Demise will be here soon," Moon informs me which I furrow my brows to. "Demise? You never mentioned her being here for this," I reply confusedly.

"Demise is the only one that can resurrect anyone back from the dead. After all Luka, she is death," Moon explains.

Suddenly, a beam of light shines brightly at everyone until it fades away revealing two unknown figures walking towards us.

A she-wolf and a wolf.

The wolf is tall around my height with dark hair as coal with intense white-silvery eyes looking very unhappy about being here. As for the she-wolf, she takes the breathe away from most of us. Her appearance is something definitely out of this world, which she is.

Her skin color is charcoal along with her hair that's tied up into a long ponytail. Her brows, eyelashes, and lips are pure gold giving this dark immortal some vibrancy to her dark appearance. However, this is not what catches my attention. I focus on her skin, there's cracks all over including her forehead and cheeks. Within those cracks is gold given her some color overall. None, of us have to ask who she is. Immediately, we know it's Demise.

ALPHA LUKAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora